Marc Paré <marc <at>> writes:

> ALSO READ THE SPECIAL NOTES section at the bottom of the page of 
>  It explains that you 
> must be also subscribed to the LibreOffice mailing list that you want 
> and to use the "no mail" subscription.
> Let us know if you have any problems getting on GMane. I use GMane 
> exclusively for LibreOffice. It works really well. All the post are 
> properly ordered and you can browse through all of the past posts.

One of my cats picks nits out of his fur, so I'm going to do the same, but in
good humor and friendship!   LOL

The special notes say:

"Some special-case subscribers might want to be able to post to a list but might
not want to receive messages from that list (community contributors who post
announcements, for instance). In this case, please subscribe to the so-called
"nomail" version of the list by attaching -nomail to the normal subscription
address. For example, to do this for The Document Foundation general discussions
list, the subscription address would be:"

It is not clear you have to use this option to be able to read the list via a
newsgroup server, and I presume the same is for Gmane.  I would suggest to
whomever is in charge a change in the special notes if I was sure how to do
offer the suggestion.

How do I make the change in the email preferences?  Unsubscribe my current email
address and then resubscribe adding the "nomail" option?

This reply and the previous one to Larry Gusass is sent from Gmane.  Getting
that to work was another exercise in frustration, but eventually figured it out.

Two things I don't like about Gmane's operations is no way to collapse threads
that I've found, and vertical frame size adjustments are not retained, although
that may be a browser problem.  As of right now, I've only used Gmane in Firefox
3.6.13 in Mac OS X 10.6.6.



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