mån 2011-03-28 klockan 10:33 -0700 skrev MR ZenWiz:
> This morning I was entering data into a spreadsheet in Calc and I
> inadvertently put a date in the field (A) set for check number and
> typed tab to go to the date field (B).  I typed backspace instead of
> <shift><tab> to go back, and LO crashed.
> I'm running LO 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.10.  Spreadsheet is laid out, by
> columns, A check # (int), B date (date), C payee (text), D amount
> ($$.$$), plus a few more.  Error sequence was: enter date in column A
> (int), tab to column B (column A shows ####), <backspace> - silent
> crash (all LO windows disappeared).  I did not have the time to
> reproduce this after doc recovery.
> Has anyone else seen this problem or something like it?  I can try
> some more testing along these lines when I get back home later, but I
> was curious if I'm alone on this one.  I'll file a bug if anyone else
> can confirm this (didn't see one just now yet).
> Thanks.

I don't know about LibreOffice, since I started to use it quite
recently, but OpenOffice.org sometimes crash for no obvious reason.
Sometimes even when it is running in the background doing nothing.
Suddenly I find that I no longer have any OpenOffice.org windows on any
of my desktop areas…

I have Ubuntu 10.10, OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 and LibreOffice 3.3.2. Both
the office suites are installed by running those ”debs” from a terminal,
so I don't use the extremely buggy Ubuntu version of OpenOffice.org.

Best regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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