On 05/25/2011 12:04 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

From: Marc Paré<m...@marcpare.com>
To: users@libreoffice.org
Sent: Wed, 25 May, 2011 16:44:02
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Libre Office Extensions

Hi Sigrid et al

Le 2011-05-25 11:18, Sigrid Carrera a écrit :
Hi Tom, all,

On Wed, 25 May 2011 15:56:47 +0100 (BST)
Tom Davies<tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk>   wrote:

Hi :)
I think a lot of the Extension's devs haven't yet made them available for
LibreOffice.  Apparently most/many/some of the OpenOffice ones work if you
find them but if you could contact the devs of your favourite Extensions then
they would probably be quite keen to add them to LibreOffice's collection.  I
have a feeling that it's usually pretty easy for the dev's of a particular
Extension to add it to LibreOffice's lists but just requires remembering (or
being nudged into remembering) to do it.  I doubt that it's possible to do
all from the LibreOffice's end otherwise it would probably have been done
"en-masse" already.
I think the reason for not having those extensions transferred "automatically"
was due to licensing reasons. I think I remember, that LibO only wants to have
truly open extensions. But I can be wrong. :)

   Yes, this is the problem with both the extensions and templates. Even
worse, many of these extensions only carried the author's name with no
email or url to track them down.



Hi :)
Google or FaceBook can be alarmingly good at finding people, unless they have a
common name such as Tom Davies, John Smith and even worse if they don't have a
FaceBook account ;)  I googled myself but got bored after 6 pages of people with
my name.  I haven't joined FaceBook as i don't need to show-off how many
"friends" (acquaintances?) i don't/do have ;)

Regards from
Tom :)
Yes, but it also can be used instead of proper looking for someone. My High School reunion people could not find my for my last one, since they could not find me on the social networks. They failed to Google my name. My phone number and my email address had not changed, but they did not contact me that way either. By the time I found out that they "could not find me" it was too late to be a part of the dress-up sit-down dinner. SO, if you need to find someone, please look in as many ways as possible. Just because he or she is not on/in the social networks does not mean they cannot be found some other way. Also, if someone claims to be Darryl Traverstein, it does not mean "she" is a "he" or "he" is a "she" pretending to be a "he", and/or the correct Darryl Traverstein. It can be difficult getting the right person. We have had too many people pretending to be what/who they are not and causing problems for others thinking that they can get away with it. So make sure you search many ways and verify the person's identity.

I am semi lucky. My last name is not a proper spelling, and was made up by Ellis Island personnel since my great grand father had a name that was too common. He either had to take the new last name or face rejection.

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