Yes, it is weird. I'm doing just exactly what the Help says to do to accomplish 
this. Both for merging and un-merging.
I saw in another posting someone had a problem with their Spellchecker 
"disappearing". I have had this problem twice since moving from OO to LO. 
Spellchecker was working and then all of sudden I noticed, no matter what I was 
entering, I wasn't getting ANY red squiggly lines. So would intentionally 
misspell a word, and no red squiggly line. Go check my settings in "writing 
aids", and I don't show ANY dictionaries available. I'm using what is supposed 
to be the default ones installed with the program. Have to reinstall it. So, 
what's making it disappear????
I have also had an "install" problem with the last 2 "production ready" 
installers. To begin with, my download program has a place to enter to MD5 to 
check the download. After the download is complete, you enter the MD5, hit 
enter and if you download is good a red check appears next to the download. It 
always shows OK. Then at a point where the install is at end of doing its 
thing, it freezes - it stops. You can't close it, but it also freezes CPU usage 
at 50%. I open Process Explorer and the installer "bin" file is using 50% CPU. 
It will stay there as long as I am willing to leave it and the only way to stop 
this whole thing is by killing the bin file process. Then I get my computer 
back. After all is said and done, it appears the install is complete. I have 
done this multiple times, and the same thing happens every time. I've used a 
new download and nothing changes. Another "mystery"????

Hi :)

I don't know the answer.  It's a weird problem that shouldn't be happening.  We
have had a few problems like that in 3.4.0 but it's odd to have a problem in

Normally when you merge cells it takes the contents of just 1 of those cells.
If more than 1 of the cells have contents then the program has difficulty
choosing which contents to combine or not or exclude or how to combine.  The
results can be unpredictable.  Excel used to just throw up an error message
similar to the one where you try to paste contents into a cell that already
contains something.

If Calc's behaviour was predictable in previous releases then perhaps
re-installing LO or even better, just renaming the profile, might be enough to
fix the problem.  I was hoping that someone who know specifically Calc would
answer but a few people seem to have been thrown by the lists change of address
on Friday.

Regards from
Tom :)

----- Original Message ----
> From: Roxy Robinson <>
> To: Tom Davies <>
> Sent: Sun, 12 June, 2011 16:46:30
> Subject: Re: off-list  Re: [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2
> When I did a previous list, just for my class, I used the merge cells function
>without any problems whatsoever. That was over a year ago, so that spreadsheet
>was probably developed using OO, not LO. So, that makes me wonder if there is
>something lacking, or a bug in LO that is causing this. I still have that older
>spreadsheet, and can open it in LO, and everything is still just like it should
>be, with the cells merged. Is there a default setting in the options somewhere
>that is different between the 2 - OO & LO? Or, is this a bug? It seems to me
>that once you have told cells to merge, they should stay merged until you
>"un-merge" them. What's going on here??????? I thought this list was for
> Roxy
> Hi :
> I'm not sure why the merge-cells wasn't  working.  When i was running a
> list i found combining cells made  the list very unwieldy.  Invariably i would
> then need to sort the  spreadsheet some unexpected way and that would be
> impossible.  By  keeping each element separate in the table it keeps your
> flexible.
> I agree about 11pt being the smallest and many  people recommend 12pt for
> accessibility issues.
> With the database  program it should be possible to create a special query
> fills a row with  a single result.  That would help get 1955 into a
> in all  rows/records.  Later you could add another class and set the query  to
> look-up whether the field already has an entry and if empty would put in  the
> value.
> Most people have real trouble grasping database  programs.  The 4 different
> components; tables, queries, forms and  reports with only the tables
> the real data is difficult to  understand.  It's quite different from
> where the data that  you see is where it appears to be.  In queries, forms and
> records the  data is not really there, it's only in the table. It's a bit like
> html where  pictures are not embedded into the document and have to be kept in
> good  place that the html page can see.
> Regards from
> Tom  :)
> ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Roxy  Robinson <>
> > To: Tom Davies <>
> > Sent: Sun, 12 June, 2011 2:58:23
> > Subject: Re: off-list  Re:  [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2
> >
> > Mine is set up  on legal sized paper, landscape mode, so that I can keep the
> >font   size up close to 11. When you're between 65 and 75 years old, it helps
> >have a  printout as large as possible. If you can't read it you  might as
> >not have  it. The CD handout is a good idea, but I  would say about 30% of
> >group don't  use computers - don't even  want to look at one. Seems odd to
> >but then I've  been playing  with them since the Coleco Adam. And then there
> >quite a few   that have computers, a nice internet connection, an email
> >and  they don't  know what to do with it. Its mostly for when their
> >come. You still  have to "snail mail" them or call them on  the phone.
> > So, to keep it from  printing just one or 2 columns on  another page, and
> >everyone can read it,  I have to stick with  legal sized (8.5 X 14) paper.
> > I did start playing with  Base.  Figured out how to give it access to my
> >spreadsheet, but couldn't  do  anything with the "table" function, but did a
> >"query" and I  think I would have  to change my spreadsheet some to get the
> >in  properly. My spreadsheet is  done by "class year", with the year in the
> >cell of the row above where  each class starts. I think from  what I saw I
> >have to add a column,  probably column 1 with the  year in each row of that
> >column, designating each  person's class  year. Then I also have deceased
> >members listed at the end  of  each class. That listing has the person's
> >and if available, their  death  date. I believe, to get this info properly
> >transferred I  would have to put each  deceased person back in their
> >alphabetical order, but not sure about  the death date -  where to put it.
> > So, I will continue to play with this  transfer to  Base and see what I can
> >learn. But I still don't understand why the   "merge cells" won't hold in my
> >spreadsheet???
> > Roxy
> >
> >
> > Hi :)
> > I have  attached the  spreadsheet.  I did a lot of formatting and formulas
> >the
> > 2nd sheet.  Hopefully it should be possible to open both  spreadsheets  at
> > same time and then right-click on the tab you want to  move  into the other
> > spreadsheet/workbook.
> >
> > I used "Tools -  Options -  Calc" to set formulas to be more compatible
> >Excel
> > which makes them look  like this
> > =IF(TableData!E9&", "&TableData!F9&",   "&TableData!G9&", "&TableData!H9&".
> >,
> > ,  .  ","",TableData!E9&", "&TableData!F9&",  "&TableData!G9&",
> >"&TableData!H9&".
> > ")
> >
> > If the ! have changed to . then it's gone  back to Calc  format in which
> >the
> > compatibility setting probably  doesn't  matter as each program should
> >it
> > correctly.
> >
> >
> > After moving  the sheet into the right  spreadsheet/workbook you might need
> >do
> > search&replace to  change "TableData" to "Sheet1".  Hopefully that  should
> >an
> > interesting result.  Check the last few though  because i  might not have
> copied
> > all the formulas far enough  down.
> >
> > I changed the  page set-up to A4 rather than letter  but it should still fit
> > letter sized  paper and switched to  landscape and the font-size to quite
> small,
> > 10pt i  think.   It was the only way to get email addresses on the same page
> as
> > the  persons name.
> >
> >
> > It occurred to me that it might be  an  excellent opportunity to hand the
> > address-list out on  Cd/Dvd/usb-stick this  year so that people get  the
> >electronic
> > versions of the list and also get the   LibreOffice installers.  It might
> >out
> > cheaper & easier!   WebMaster at Kracked Press might have good ideas about
> >if
> > you want to  explore that route.  I am not sure  which would work out best &
> >it's
> > up to you.
> >
> > Sorry i didn't explore the Base methods.  I just  got a bit carried  away
> >playing
> > with Calc :)
> > Thanks and regards from
> > Tom  :)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original  Message ----
> > > From: Roxy  Robinson <>
> > > To: Tom Davies <>
> > > Sent: Sat, 11 June, 2011 21:48:49
> > > Subject: Re: off-list   Re:  [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem
> > >
> > > Tom,
> > > I've attached a file that has 5 rows of data. All of them  are MIA's  with
> > >address, etc, info that no longer has anything  to do with any of  them.
> >way
> > >my current spreadsheet  is set up is like line 3. The LAST  name is the
> >name
> > >as people would have known them by in high school.  For females, that
> be
> > >maiden names (why its in parentheses). The  reason  I was doing the merge
> >names
> > >is because it would take out  almost  the width of one column by merging
> >3.
> > >This  would allow all the  information to be printed on one legal sized 
> > >page
> > >width, and still  retain the 11 point font size (allows for  easier reading
> > >this aging  crowd). Its saved in xls format -  I'm probably the only one in
> >this
> > >group  that uses LO.  And probably only one of a handful that uses a
> >spreadsheet
> > >of  any kind. My smaller "class" directories generally fit on  one letter
> > >page and I convert those to pdf to send out.
> > > This  big one I have until  10/2012 to get right so it can be printed
> >and
> > >distributed at the  reunion.
> > > Roxy
> > >
> > > Hi  :)
> > > Can you create a copy of  the spreadsheet,  perhaps adding
> >"rocmar-2011-06-11"
> > >to
> > > the end of the filename and  afterwards  just  change the data in that to
> give
> > me
> > > about 4 or 5   lines of faked  data.  I might have time to create a
> >and
> > >you
> > > might even be able  to get  that to read the right  data, or just use it
> > >ideas.
> > >
> > > Regards   from
> > > Tom :)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -----  Original  Message ----
> > > > From:  Roxy Robinson <>
> > > > To:
> > > > Sent: Sat, 11 June, 2011 18:59:53
> > > > Subject:  Re:  [libreoffice-users]  Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2
> > > >
> > > > Tom,
> > > > Thanks for your  suggestions  - I guess I will have to try  that since
> > not
> > > >getting  what I want with what I'm  doing.
> > > > This  is "off" the subject issue,   but I come from a  very small town.
> > high
> > > >school class - 1961 -   was   the  first to got over 50. We had 60 in the
> >class,
> > >55
> > > >who  "walked" on graduation  night. The other  5 finished in summer
> school.
> > >The
> > > >classes  continued to grow  after that,  though I don't think they   ever
> went
> > >over
> > > >100; and are  probably   running around 70-75 now, if  not less.
> > > > I just   finished organizing my class's  50th reunion and  am now
> > >together
> > > >a reunion for the classes of   1955-1964.  The  total number of students
> >during
> > > >that  period is, according to my  spreadsheet,  500. I dare  say, I
> >and
> > > >remember about 490 of  those,  along with quite a few   others from the
> >classes
> > > >before and  after. We were all like one  big family - you   usually knew
> >whole
> > > >families because you  knew  someone in your class, or within 2   or 3
> >of
> > >your
> > > >class. Your classmates were, essentially, your  group  of   friends.
> > > > Anyway, every class in this  group has, in some  format,  a database of
> >their
> > > >classmates and their  information. Each class  has a few that have  gone
> > >"missing
> > > >in action", but we are all   working together to find everyone. This
> >be
> > >the
> > > >4th, I think,  combined reunion like  this  over the past 50 years, and
> > > >combined  database  is  something that got started after the first one.
> >it
> > >has
> > > >not been updated since the last reunion in 1997. Every  classmate -
> >are
> > >a
> > > >few  exceptions - has given there info to freely  share with  everyone.
> > > >everyone at this reunion will receive  a copy of  this  spreadsheet I'm
> >working
> > > >on.
> > > > Roxy
> > > >
> > > > Hi  :)
> > > >
> > > > I did  something similar once.  It's easier  to  keep  the data intact,
> >the
> > >3
> > > > separate columns for data entry and for    sorting the lists  into
> > alphabetical
> > > > order and stuff but then use   a  2nd  worksheet (2nd tab at the bottom)
> > use
> > > > formulas to add the 3  names  together. eg
> > > > A2 =  Sheet1.A2 & " " & Sheet1.B2 & " " & Sheet1.C2
> > > > You might have  renamed the worksheet tabs so just  swap the new  name
> > > >"Sheet1"
> > > > but still make sure  there is  a dot . after it  and before the   cell
> >address.
> > > >
> > > > There are   issues  with "Data Protection" and respecting  people's
> >to
> > > >privacy
> > > > but if they have given you their  addresses  and  know  that it's for
> >sharing
> > > with
> > > > the whole  class then that  sort-of implies  that  they have given you
> > > permission.
> > > > I'm  not  sure wheter it's legally enough but   it probably gives you  a
> good
> > > > position.
> > > > Good luck and   regards from
> > > > Tom   :)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ----- Original  Message ----
> > > > > From: Roxy Robinson <>
> > > > > To:
> > > > > Sent: Sat, 11 June, 2011 15:51:55
> > > > > Subject:   [libreoffice-users] Merge  cell problem LO3.3.2.2
> > > > >
> > > > > I have a 15 page spreadsheet of  classmate  addresses, phone  numbers,
> > >email,
> > > >etc.
> > > > >I "manipulate" this  information in   several  different ways to give
> > > >classmates
> > > > >different kinds of   "directories". Anyway,  their names are  in the
> >3
> > > > >columns.  This    particular spreadsheet is going to include ALL the
> > >information
> > > >on
> > > > >each  person,  will be printed on legal  sized  paper in landscape
> >so
> > >I
> > > >need
> > > > >a  little more room  to contain everything on the width of  the
> > > > > So   (SEVERAL TIMES) I have merged  the cells in the  first 3
> > This
> > > > >contains  the parts of  their names, and allows me to    conserve
> >room
> > >to
> > > >get
> > > > >everything on the width of the  page. But   every time I  close LO,
> >then
> > > come
> > > > >back to  work   on this spreadsheet,  the cells are no longer
> >They
> > > will
> > > > >not stay merged. I  haven't  gotten all the way   through the
> -
> > at
> > > >one
> > > > >time - to merge  the    cells. Would the "un-merged" cells that are
> >in
> > >the
> > > 3
> > > > >columns  keep  the ones  above  them from staying merged, or am I
> > > something
> > > > >wrong? I  just don't understand - time  after  time - I merge them,
> > back
> > > >and
> > > > >they are no long   merged??????????
> > > > > Roxy
> > > > >
> > > > > --
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