
On Sun, 2011-06-19 at 12:35 -0700, Andrew Foss wrote:

> I need to open a tab delimited text file in Calc. I have done this many  
> times 
> in Excel where you have to Open the File from inside Excel.  However, trying 
> to 
> open it with Calc launches Writer (ugh!!!). It seems  the programmers have 
> gone 
> to great lengths to stop one doing what you  wants and needs to do. 
> Obviously, 
> if one is inside Calc, any file one  tries to open should open inside Calc. 
> That's a no brainer. 
> How can I work around this problem? I tried tyo merge in the file but  that 
> also 
> failed. I tried changing the file extension but LO ignored  that. I tried 
> caopy/paste into Calc but Calc failed to put each tab  delimited field into a 
> separate cell so that failed. Hopeless!
> Help!!!!

The default behavior can be irritating, it sometimes gets in the way. 

One option is to right click on the document, select open with and the
select Calc. It should show an import wizard asking you what the
delimiter is. Make the appropriate choices and click OK. It may take a
couple of minutes for it open but it should be in Calc.

Hope this helps.

Jay Lozier

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