I just tried out the form wizard, and got exactly what I want...so is this the only way to get a subform grid onto a main form? I sure hope not. Meanwhile, my original form has 5 list boxes on it that I painstakingly set up. Since I cannot get a subform grid onto that form, I seem to have to abandon it.

I'm hoping there's a better way out there!

Meanwhile, here's the procedure (again - this should be plain and obvious, in the documentation, and if it is I haven't seen it):

1. Create main table.
2. Create child (subordinate) table, with field to contain pointer to key of main table record to which it's to be linked. 3.Use the main menu Tool > Relationship function to specify the table relations. 4. User the form wizard to set up a table with a subform displayed in a grid.

So simple. Now...I need to also be able to do this manually, for Pete's sake!


On 06/21/2011 10:44 PM, Tom Cloyd wrote:
It's obvious that when initially creating a form you have the option of adding a subform, but what about later?

Where I come from (MSAcess) a subform is a control that goes on a main form. It is linked to a table that is linked to the main table. There is a subform control icon that can be clicked to cause the subform control to appear on the main form. Some properties twiddling and you're in business. Simple, obvious, and it works. In LO, things are considerably different, it appears.

I have a main form and I now want to add a subform to it. After two hours of frustration, I have managed to create a subform. This whole topic is given a minimal, rather confused treatment in the LO Help document, and none whatsoever in "Getting Started with LibreOffice 3.3". It seems that creating the subform is enough. Regrettably, I actually want to SEE and USE it. I cannot find any help on that part, and it isn't happening automatically.

In the LO Help document (F1), looking in the index under "subforms, description", then clicking Display, takes you to an article on Data (huh?). Well into the article, we're reading about master and slave fields. THEN, we come to "What is a subform?" This is nuts. Why take this up now, after having written about it for paragraphs? I don't see how this mess could have gotten through editing.

Well into this paragraph, I read "The user of your document will not see that a form has subforms. The user only sees a document in which data is entered or where existing data is displayed." This is more than nuts. Why have a subform then make it totally obscure? I can see this happening if your data source is a query which displays a one to one master-slave relationship, but what do we do with one-to-many relationships?

The remainder of this paragraph makes sense only if we are considering a one-to-one master-slave relationship. What do we do with multiple "slaves" (man, this terminology is grating on me... I want to free those slaves)?

What I NEED is a control that looks like a spreadsheet - multiple records (if they exist), with multiple fields. It will be linked to the main table, fields form which are already on my form. I can find NO way to create this, yet it as to has to be possible. This sort of thing is done all the time.

More specifically, since my main form's Form Navigator clearly SHOWS the subform, and I can display its properties (and thus verify that it's properly linked to its source table AND the main table, what I need to know is how to attach it to a control that I can SEE on the main form - and it need to be a "grid" control (capable of showing multiple records, all linked to the current main table record).

I'm absolutely baffled as to why this basic operation is so obscure with LO (or if it's not, why I cannot see how to do it!!). Main table - detail forms are basic, are then not?

Any help offered will be much appreciated.

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