Hi :)
It is great news for both LibreOffice and OpenOffice.  Consolidating some of 
forks makes it easier to collaborate and give both products a significant 
boost.  'Obviously' the different licenses limit the amout of collaoration but 
there are still a lot of people that work on both products or work with friends 
and colleagues in both.  In many ways it is still 1 community with 2 products 
that compete co-operatively.  

LibreOffice development is very active and has already gone through the process 
that Apache are just starting.  Some devs and others may enjoy stepping 
backwards to repeat that process but it leads in a slightly different direction 
this time.  LibreOffice continues to be increasingly faster and lighter.  TDF 
devs have already discussed this at length and all seem to want to stay with 
to move forwards faster.  I'm not on the devs list so that is just the 
impression i have from other people that do follow those lists.    

Hopefully with a load of IBM devs paid to work on OOo the Apache Foundation 
might recover from some of the damage Oracle & even Sun did by not driving the 
product(s) forwards as fast as the voluntary and other community devs wanted.  
In LibreOffice the devs are  able to get their code through decent QA & into 
releases at their own pace, ie faster.  Bugs get fixed faster and new features 
get added faster with the freedoms that TDF offers.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Andy Brown <a...@the-martin-byrd.net>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Sun, 17 July, 2011 20:23:30
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] IBM Donates Lotus Symphony Source Code to the 
Apache OpenOffice Project

Luuk wrote:
> Is it time for the LO-developers to get back with OpenOffice too ?

In a word, no.

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