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On 08/04/2011 08:44 PM, Simon Cropper (The foss Workflow Guides) wrote:

>  ...   have you thought about code page errors? 

To answer your direct question - no I never considered code page errors.
I'll check it out.

Everything was developed on flavors of Fedora Linux starting on
OpenOffice and now running on LO. I've blown this spreadsheet away
numerous times over the years, keeping only my macros and a map of all
the named cells I use as anchors. I wrote macros to reproduce the named
ranges as I did that so often.

I'd use one machine to bring up the old trashed spreadsheet and query it
for cell widths, heights, colors, etc to reproduce the same sheet on
another machine in a pristine environment. Add back my macros and go
forward. That's a 2 day job of long tedious hours. Sometimes it would
take months for something strange to start to happen, but it always does
happen sooner or later.

I'm not using any strange symbols. Its a simple POS system that accepts
food orders, calculates costs, produces bills and receipts, does
payroll, etc. Everything in it is mundane simple arithmetic and text.

In the past, I hand massaged the xml files and pulled out huge sections
of dead nested repetitive code. In one case I dropped the size of the
.ods file by 110k worth of xml trash.

I'm certain LO is not cleaning up after itself properly and leaving
"code droppings" behind that cause this. I believe the IDE has some
issues as it periodically does some strange things. On numerous
occasions, I'd modify code in one module, switch to another module and
make changes, save, reload and loose the first modules fixes. Infuriating!

Am I supposed to remember to save for each module or should the IDE be
smart enough to warn me I'm about to loose changes, or should it simply
save everything when I say save? Something that trivial missing from the
IDE says something.

If you can insert a byte of data and cause LO to go berserk that only
means it needs better insulation mechanisms to separate your "data" from
its control codes. The developers should be thrilled to have you report
finding a hole in their code so they can close it.

If I as an end user can break it using only what was supplied to me to
use, then the problem is in the LO product, and needs to be fixed.
That's why I'm offering my help in supplying some pretty strange bugs
and help in isolating and fixing them to the best of my ability.

BTW - my internet connection is 16Kb/sec, when its up at all (Thank You
TIGO/Honduras), so that is a tremendous limiting factor in what I can
accomplish from here.

- -- 
Bill Gradwohl
Roatan, Honduras
504 9 899 2652
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