The PPA?
Why should I use PPA, when I download the LO install and not a "repository version"?

What type of custom install?
The only thing I remember was doing a custom install for languages on the Vista laptop.

On 08/09/2011 10:38 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Yeh, i need to find what the equivalent is in Windows.  I'm sure there is
something but i don't know what it is.  I guess you dopn't see the

package because you have not enabled the PPA?  If you downloaded the LibreOffice
installer from the website then you might need to do a "custom install" or use
the "Repair" option to add components?

I'm not sure how this works but the is almost definitely
the wrong package.  I would be tempted to try it and then uninstall package if
it didn't work!

Regards from
Tom :)

From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions<>
Sent: Tue, 9 August, 2011 14:23:54
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] need to find the link

How about Windows computers?
"Most" users have Windows, people tell me.  So they would need the
Windows version of this add-on.

Also, I checked Ubuntu 10.04 Synaptic Package manager and
"mozilla-libreoffice" is not there.  "" is though.

On 08/08/2011 06:07 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
For linux there is a separate package rather than an add-on or extension so
install from your package manager rather than from inside either LibreOffice


I prefer it this way anyway, with some add-ons for FireFox i sometimes have to
search for a similar add-on for SeaMonkey and other web-browsers but the 1
package works for both of those and possibly more.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions<>
Sent: Mon, 8 August, 2011 19:06:12
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] need to find the link

No that is not what I was looking for.

It was an add-on for Firefox and LO/OOo that "connected" the two packages

It gave an option in Firefox to Open Lo/OOo and pass the ODF file[s] to the
office package to oven and view them.

Right now, Firefox can read .odt files internally, but if I wanted to view a
Draw or Calc file, the add-on would automatically open LO and display the file
in LO instead of within Firefox.

I know that there was this Firefox/OOo add-on/extension, since I has it on my
Windows laptop before it crashed to the point I has to reinstall the OS from
scratch.  I know that there should be a version for Linux, since I remember it
on my Ubuntu system spring/summer of last year, before that system required a
complete wipe and rebuild.

Right now, I cannot find the extension/add-on in my extension/add-on folder
OOo/LO and the one for Firefox/Thunderbird.

So I am looking for someone who knows where that link is.

Also I run 64-bit OS for Ubuntu, so some of the Firefox add-ons cannot work on
386-x64 system, and must have a 386-x32 one.  I do not know why, since I have
the 386 libraries installed to run non-64-bit packages.

On 08/08/2011 01:32 PM, Graham Mullan wrote:
Don't know if this is what you want?


0117 9502556 or 07887 637064 (or 0844 2327803)

On 08/08/2011 18:18, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
Earlier on this list, there was a thread that talked about a Firefox
extension for LibreOffice.

I know that Firefox can view .odt files, but I am looking for that
Firefox add-on.

Can anyone tell me the name of that add-on and maybe a direct link for
it? I tried to find it on th Firefox site, but could do. I know there
was an OOo extension/add-on for Firefox, but I could not find it either.

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