Hi Jay,

I have modified the QuantLib addin code so that it runs under Linux and Windows 
XP (using Openoffice 3.2.1). Under Libreoffice the code compiles and the oxt 
file will be created but loading of the addin (using the oxt file) fails with 
an error message under Linux. 

Was there any change in the api of Libreoffice? What do I have to change/add to 
get a working addin? Is there any documentation or are there any C++ addin 
examples that can be used? The examples in the SDK (code examples under 
$SDK/examples/cpp) are not helpful. It seems that there have been no changes. 
So I expect that the code for the Quantlib addin need not be modified. Any 


>On Wed, 2011-08-10 at 09:22 +0200, Lars Callenbach wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have compiled an addin which works find under openoffice 3.2. Using either 
>> libreoffice 3.3 or 3.4 the following error message appears:
>> ----
>> ERROR: Fehler beim Hinzuf�gen von: 
>> vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages/luecz64g.tmp_/CalcAddins.oxt
>> Cause: Media-Typ konnte nicht ermittelt werden: 
>> file:///root/.libreoffice/3/user/uno_packages/cache/uno_packages/luecz64g.tmp_/CalcAddins.oxt
>> unopkg failed.
>> ----
>> The directory CalcAddins.oxt has not been created and the oxt file has not 
>> been unziped.
>> What do I have to change to get a working addin using libreoffice?
>> Regards,
>> Lars
>> --
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>I would check OOo to see if they have an updated version and check
>http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:OpenOfficeExtensions/List and
>http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Downloads/Templates . Plugins, unless
>they are official ones, may lag the release somewhat some if they need
>significant changes they may not work with the latest version.
>Jay Lozier

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