Le 11/08/11 10:23, Lars Callenbach a écrit :

Hi Lars,

> I have modified the QuantLib addin code so that it runs under Linux and 
> Windows XP (using Openoffice 3.2.1). Under Libreoffice the code compiles and 
> the oxt file will be created but loading of the addin (using the oxt file) 
> fails with an error message under Linux. 
> Was there any change in the api of Libreoffice? What do I have to change/add 
> to get a working addin? Is there any documentation or are there any C++ addin 
> examples that can be used? The examples in the SDK (code examples under 
> $SDK/examples/cpp) are not helpful. It seems that there have been no changes. 
> So I expect that the code for the Quantlib addin need not be modified. Any 
> ideas?

No, not in the LibreOffice API AFAIK, but the OOo extensions framework
was changed during 3.3.x development. You would need to look up the
archives of the OOo extensions/dev/api mailing lists to find out more


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