Hi :)
I don't feel contempt or superior or anything.  If a person has a problem i 
try to help if i can.  A quick copy&paste is no hassle.  

At a coffee shop we kept making a certain warning sign larger and larger.  
Changed the font to red.  Tried exclamation marks, road-side no-entry signs.  
Nothing seemed to work, people would walk right by.  So we switched to a tiny 
sign with "Top Secret" printed at the top.  Suddenly everyone started taking 

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Brad Rogers <b...@fineby.me.uk>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Tue, 16 August, 2011 10:10:08
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] unsubscribe

On Tue, 16 Aug 2011 02:07:41 +0300
Stan Goodman <stan.good...@hashkedim.com> wrote:

Hello Stan,

> That is exactly why they should not be confronted with this
> superfluous step, since there is not reason not to simplify the
> procedure. You would still have errors, but they would be far fewer.
> Why is that wrong?

It isn't but please re-read what I wrote, as you seem to have
misunderstood.  These people don't as a rule, read the footer.
Therefore changing the content won't be of any use.  It could read
"click here to be given $1,000,000 no strings attached" and they *still*
wouldn't read it.

> The people who are experiencing the problem (or, as you might put it, 
> are inflicting the problem on us) are (as has been pointed out)
> largely office type people, who may be having their first exposure to
> lists and how to use them. If you want to just solve the problem of

Except that, in most instances, the same people commit the same
'mistake' on multiple lists.  It's laziness and/or stupidity.

> possible, which is why all other lists, as far as I can remember, have
> the unsubscribe instruction up front, not hidden behind an instruction

And people /still/ send unsub messages to the list.  I see it on the
lists I administer.  The instructions are in *every* message sent to the
list, plus the one sent when anybody initially subscribes.  Few people
read those, never mind keep them.

> If you prefer to ignore their naivete, and to continue to confront
> them with this unnecessary barrier, you can have the joy of feeling
> superior to them (which is what you are doing), with all the pleasant

Feel superior?  Nope.  Contempt is nearer the mark.  I don't suffer fools
gladly.  Please don't presume to tell me how I feel.

> buzz that this may give you, and have a laugh each and every time
> there is one of these plaints on the list -- and the annoyance will
> continue.

It'll continue whatever gets put in the footer.

Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Does she always shout at you, does she tell you what to do
Family Life - Sham 69

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