On Tuesday 16 August 2011 02:42:48 Tom Davies wrote:
> We don't really get a LOT of problems.  Perhaps 2 or 3 people in a
> month?  We  all notice and their posts are glaringly obvious but
> usually it's very easy to fix.  One of us just copies&pastes the
> guide address from the new footer into the main part of the message.
> Note that the footer did change a couple of weeks ago.  It's not
> perfect but it is a bit better imo.  I still largely agree with
> Stan's statement.

Why is it necessary for one of us to hand-massage individual cases? Does 
it  satisfy a hidden social need to do so?

Blogs to which I subscribe generally have a link at the bottom of each 
message saying "To unsubscribe, click _here_". No muss, no fuss. Why is 
that inadequate?

In the case of a mailing list, there are two alternatives of 
subscribtion, message by message, or the digest. Suppose that the link 
would open a browser to a page on an LO site, that asks the simple 
question "Message by message, or digest". The fellow can check the right 
box, the system sends him the usual confirmation message, and it's over. 
If , instead of two possibilities, there are four or even thirty (as a 
user from some other galaxy noted), then there can be four or thirty 
checkboxes on the web page.

I don't see why this is even an issue to be debated.

If there has been a change of the instruction recently, I have not 
detected it. Since the method is as it was, any change can only have 
been trivial/
Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

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