Clio wrote (17-08-11 19:58)
17.08.2011 13:19, S. McKay пишет:
Clio<menenem<at>> writes:

You can drag and drop the modules/dialogs from library to library in
Organizer. (Alt F11, then press the "Organizer..." button. In the
opening window you can drag and drop)

I'm sorry, but as I said before, this does not work. When I try to
drag and
drop in organizer, LO crashes. Perhaps I should mention that I am on a
mac. I
don't know if this matters, but ...

Sorry, this doesn't work on Linux for me either with LibO 3.4.2 and OOo
3.3.0. But works fine in Go-OO 3.2.1 and I suppose this should work in
all versions prior to 3.3.0.

Hmm, no problem for me on Ubuntu with 3.4.2.
Of course I do not try to dr&dr Standard somewhere else.
But with other modules, dr&dr, with or without Ctrl, work fine.

 - Cor

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