The key term here is "external drive". Tom is correct, there is a Windows Portable version that can be installed on a USB Thumb drive or external drive. There is even a process to install it on a CD/DVD drive, but you cannot store your working documents on a CD/DVD.

The current version is 3.4.2. Here is a direct link to the Portable Apps web site. There are a lot of portable software out there for you to use, besides LibreOffice.

External drive version/installs for Linux is harder, if possible at all.

Now the question is, WHY an External Drive? How are you going to use it that way?

Do you want to take LibreOffice where ever you go? That sounds like Portable version.

If you do not have much room left on your primary drive and you want to have installed programs on an external drive that WILL NOT be used by any other computer? Easier on Windows than Linux. For Windows you would need Custom install and see if you can change the location of the install to the drive letter that your USB drive uses. For Linux, I do not know it well enough to tell you how to do this, if it can be done, with that OS.

The bottom line is, the Windows Portable version was designed for use on an External drive, like a thumb drive. It is slower to open and use, but it can go where ever you go, as long as you use it with a Windows system. I know that many Windows software can be run on Linux through a system like WINE, but like before, I do not know WINE to give you the info needed to use it that way.

On 09/04/2011 10:01 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I think you are looking for
but it only works on Windows machines.

On linux machines you will probably find that LibreOffice is already installed
although some have stayed with OpenOffice.  You are more likely to be allowed to
install LibreOffice directly onto a Gnu&Linux machine if it doesn't already have
it.  You do soemtimes find kiosk machines that wont let you install anything but
generally  multi-user Gnu&Linux machines have much less need to be locked-down
than Windows machines so you should be able to install LibreOffice reasonably

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Charles E. LaMonte<>
Sent: Mon, 5 September, 2011 1:41:35
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Can Libre Office be installed on an external drive.

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, Is it possible to install Libre Office on an
external hard drive ? The computer will have either Windows Operating System or
Linux Operating System. Thank you.

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