Le 22/09/11 19:21, NoOp a écrit :

Hi NoOp,,

> Unfortunately...
> loading component library failed:
> file://home/<username>/.libreoffice/3/user/uno_packages/cache/uno_packages/Ap2E1u_/msql-native-connector-1.0.1-linux-32bit.oxt/mysqlc.uno.so
> 32bit Ubuntu Maverick (10.10). LO 3.4.3. Same results with LO 3.3.4.

Well thanks for testing anyway.

> Note that my profile path for LO 3.4.3 is:
> ~/.libreoffice.3.4/3
> However the connector is attmepting to install into:
> ~/.libreoffice/3/user/uno_packages
> rather than using the modified data in bootstraprc.

> Just to ensure that my path settings for LO 3.4.3 (I do this on purpose
> so that I can run multiple instances of LO) wasn't the issue, I then
> attempted to install on 3.3.4, where my profile path is the standard:
> ~/.libreoffice/3/user
> Same results. So it's not a profile path issue.

Hmmm, interesting.

> Added note: the OOo mysql native connector is 4.1MB and yours is
> 375.6KB. That's quite a difference:
> $ ls -l mysql*
> . 4285738 2011-09-20 09:19 mysql-connector-ooo-1.0.1-linux-intel.oxt
> . 384635 2011-09-22 10:02 mysql-native-connector-1.0.1-linux-32bit.oxt

Yes, the Mac one I built is over 1Mb too, I noticed how small the Linux
one was when I copied it over. I didn't seem to get any errors though
when building.

> Interestingly, the Ubuntu OOo version (OOo 3.2.1 - go-oo build) is 207.5KB:
> $ ls -l /usr/lib/openoffice/share/extension/install/mysql-connector-ooo.oxt
> . 212436 2011-01-28 23:56
> /usr/lib/openoffice/share/extension/install/mysql-connector-ooo.oxt

So the answer may well lie in the specificity of the build environment
because this connector appears to work on the machine I built it on in
the master build, i.e. the future 3.5 code.

Perhaps, it is necessary to build with the 3.4 build source in order to
adapt it to that particular set of code ?? Or then again, perhaps your
Maverick and my Natty have other differences that mean that it doesn't
work. I really don't know enough about it to say, unfortunately and I
won't be able to setup a new build with 3.4 source soon, at least
probably not until next week.


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