I've been enjoying it. With respect to the LibreOffice/Base issue, I did one clean install of the 64 bit Ubuntu 11.10, and three upgrades from 11.04. On the clean install, Sun (Oracle) Java is not installed nor is it available in the repository nor is it available from a partner. If you really have to have it it can be installed if you look hard. What I read said Ubuntu felt that the Open JDK had progressed far enough and was secure, and that it would take care of almost anybody's needs. I just left things the way the default install did it and didn't install Sun Java. I uninstalled the packaged LibreOffice that came with Ubuntu, and then installed the 3.4.3 that is directly from LibreOffice. I then tried Base. It was TERRIBLY slow. I checked what it said the Java was, and it said it was Sun Microsystems, Inc. Version 1.6.0_23. With a clean install, where did it come from??? Maybe it read the OpenJDK as being 1.6.0_23 as being the Sun Version. I don't know. So the I installed 1.6.0_21 and Base was very happy again!!!!!!! In Synaptic there is no evidence that Sun Java 1.6.0_23 is installed, nor does 1.6.0_21 show up the way we are installing it. Could it have been shipped with Base?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice 3.4.3 on Ubuntu 11.10 (Unity 3D)
Date:   Tue, 18 Oct 2011 22:18:27 +0100 (BST)
From:   Tom Davies <tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk>
Reply-To:       users@global.libreoffice.org
To:     users@global.libreoffice.org

Hi :)
I really quite like the 11.10.  When i tried the 11.04 i really hated it but 
the 11.10 is a big improvement.  I still prefer traditional menus such as KDE 
or Gnome or any of the others but i get the feeling Unity is worth getting to 
know.  I like the way the top-taskbar becomes the title-bar when you hover the 
mouse arrow over it and i really like the way that accessing LibreOffice and 
Firefox is so easy! ;)
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 18/10/11, Don C. Myers<donmy...@myersfarm.com>  wrote:

 From: Don C. Myers<donmy...@myersfarm.com>
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice 3.4.3 on Ubuntu 11.10 (Unity 3D)
 To: users@global.libreoffice.org
 Date: Tuesday, 18 October, 2011, 18:10
 On Ubuntu 11.10 synaptic is not
 installed by default. So if doing a clean install, simply
 get it from the software center. If you are doing any
 upgrade from 11.04, it should be there. To open it in 11.10,
 click on the Dash button and type in syn and it will be
 there to run. You could add it to the launcher. When 11.04
 came out, I was reluctant to move it from 10.10 because of
 all of then negative things I had read. But I decided to
 since if I was going to be continuing to use Ubuntu, that is
 what I would need to learn. The Unity had some quirks, but
 over all wasn't too bad. I learned to really like the
 launcher bar. When I would go back to a machine with the old
 desktop on 10.10 after several months, it felt antiquated
 and old fashioned. 11.10 is smoother, works fast, and I am
 most pleased with it. It isn't perfect, but significant
 progress has been made over 11.04.

 On 10/18/2011 12:32 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press
 Productions wrote:
 >  Unity looks good, sometimes, so I have been
 told.  But for people use to GNOME or KDE, I would make
 sure those desktops are installed and set them as the
 default.  Everything I have read, and heard, makes me
 fee that will be my only choice, once I get my monitor
 issues fixed so I can install 11.xx.  It may be worse
 with Win 8 and its "Ribbon" style of desktop.  Good for
 touch pads but not of desktops.  That menu form is what
 many of "my" MSO users would not go beyond MSO 2003 or
 switched to OOo and then LO.
 >  On 10/18/2011 11:05 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
 >>  Hi :)
 >>  Which version of Ubuntu are you using?
 >>  It might be easier to try to uninstall things
 using the package manager while LibreOffice is closed.
 Perhaps the lock is due to LibreOffice being open?
 >>  In Ubuntu 10.10 and earlier try the top taskbar
 and click on
 >>  System - Administration - "Synaptic Package
 >>  I don't know how to do that in Ubuntu 11.10 or
 11.04.  If you are using one of them then perhaps open
 a command-line / terminal-console and try
 >>  gksu synaptic
 >>  to open Synaptic?
 >>  Either way once open the sesarhc tools should help
 you find the extensions.  I would search for
 "libreoffice" and then click the top of the column that has
 the green splodges in it that indicate packages that are
 installed.  Hopefully that will get all the installed
 packages, extensions and all to the top so you can just
 scroll down to find the one you want.
 >>  The package manager ususally searches in
 descriptions as well as titles so a straight-forwards search
 might just give you the right thing straight away but i'm a
 bit pessimistic about that sort of thing ;)
 >>  Regards from
 >>  Tom :)
 >>  --- On Tue, 18/10/11, chimak111<chimak...@gmail.com>
 >>>  From: chimak111<chimak...@gmail.com>
 >>>  Subject: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice 3.4.3
 on Ubuntu 11.10 (Unity 3D)
 >>>  To: users@global.libreoffice.org
 >>>  Date: Tuesday, 18 October, 2011, 15:13
 >>>  Hi,
 >>>  I installed lo-menubar from the Ubuntu
 Software Center
 >>>  which is said to
 >>>  provide a Global Menu rather than a
 program-specific one.
 >>>  While the installation is successful and the
 >>>  works as stated, I
 >>>  would like to disable or remove it because I
 now realise
 >>>  that it does have
 >>>  "*Windows*" as part of the Global Menu.
 >>>  There's File, Edit, View, Insert, Format,
 Tools, Help ...
 >>>  but no *Windows*.
 >>>  I'm used to relying on *Windows* and then
 opening a new
 >>>  window of the same
 >>>  document. Additionally, LibreOffice would
 remember how I
 >>>  arrange two Windows
 >>>  and open the second window just the way I like
 >>>  Since Windows is missing, I have to work
 around by going to
 >>>  File, New
 >>>  Document which I don't like.
 >>>  When I look in Tools, Extension Manager, I see
 >>>  extensions listed:
 >>>  Copy Visible cells (which I had installed on
 >>>  3.3 / Natty and
 >>>  which has been retained during the upgrade to
 >>>  menubar (installed via Ubuntu Software
 >>>  Script Provider for Python 3.3.0 (which seems
 to have been
 >>>  there by default
 >>>  since I didn't install it)
 >>>  The last two, menubar and Script Provider have
 little locks
 >>>  next to them.
 >>>  While the first, "Copy visible cells" has a
 >>>  option, the two
 >>>  with locks next to them don't. So it looks
 like I cannot
 >>>  disable or remove
 >>>  menubar unless someone helps me!
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