On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 01:41 +0100, Andreas Säger wrote:
> Am 10.11.2011 01:02, drew wrote:
> > On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 17:55 -0500, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
> >>
> >>     sNames = oLibs.getElementNames()
> >>     For i = UBound(sNames) To LBound(sNames) Step -1
> >>       oLibs.removeLibrary(sNames(i))
> >>     Next
> >> End Sub
> >>
>       sNames = oLibs.getElementNames()
>       For i = UBound(sNames) To LBound(sNames) Step -1
>         if sNames(i)<>"Standard" then
>       oLibs.removeLibrary(sNames(i))
>       ThisComponent.setModified(True)
>       endif
>       Next
>   End Sub
> >>
> >> --

Howdy Andreas,

Cool - now back to something Andrew noted - what about places where the
embedded macros might called from. Not sure how to find everywhere, but
we can enhance that basic procedure to clear out any document event

Sub RemoveAllContainedLibs
   Dim sNames
   Dim oLibs
   Dim i%
   Dim EmptyEventProps(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
   oLibs = ThisComponent.BasicLibraries
   sNames = oLibs.getElementNames()
   For i = UBound(sNames) To LBound(sNames) Step -1
   oLibs = ThisComponent.DialogLibraries
   sNames = oLibs.getElementNames()
   For i = UBound(sNames) To LBound(sNames) Step -1
   ' clear all document event handlers
   For i = UBound(ThisComponent.Events.elementNames) To 
LBound(ThisComponent.Events.elementNames) Step -1
   ' force dirty flag on document

End Sub

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