Hi George,

This isn't an answer to your printing problem, but I think you mentioned in one of your posts about you had two scanners that didn't work with Ubuntu. May I ask what the make and models are? I've installed Ubuntu on over 20 computers, originally starting with 8.10, and every version since including 11.10. I only ever had one time that I had a scanner problem, and that was very easy to fix, although I would need to research what I did. As I recall I simply added the scanner name to a master file on the system. If you use xsane as your scanner program, doesn't it see either of your scanners?


On 01/23/2012 02:40 PM, George E Noon wrote:
The document in question is a set of the By-Laws of an Odd Fellow Lodge that I happen to have been Secretary of for 19 years, now. I've had it since January, 2002, when as Lodge Secretary, I was named Clerk of the Committee tasked with 'revising & updating the Lodge's By-Laws. I originally had it as a WordPerfect document (& I had a Star Office document version when I came upon and tried that for a while) - I changed over to Ubuntu Linux (Breezy) in 2006 & proceeded to migrate all my document folder contents to it & they've been in Ubuntu program files ever since. Odd, but i was not that fond of Star Office - but when i got to using Ubuntu, i took right to OOo, which came out of Star Office, as I understand it. Switched to Libre Office a bout a year ago 7 this is really the first problem I've had with it.

The parts that don't print are all full paragraphs --- but I can not find any reason for their not printing in either printer settings nor in any LO settings that I have been able to find. No, i haven't rebooted -- if I were still running MS Windows, that would have been my first choice - but so far that has never been a necessity with Linux, thankfully. I will give it a try - though, if only to eliminate it as something needed. I have most of my documents in standard open document format [whatever LO defaults to, at the time] - I do make MS Word compatible ' .doc' copies, though - so if I need to e-mail to others i don't get a whiney reply back that your document was unreadable. I guess it would also be a good idea to convert to PDF, as well -- that might be a solution, or, at least a problem revealer. Thank you for your suggestions & I'll be trying them out & perhaps I'll be inspired to search further to see if I've 'gained' some strange setting somewhere or other...

On 01/23/2012 01:48 PM, Spencer Graves wrote:
What part doesn't print? If it's always at the end, check the print setting to make sure it's set to print all pages.

If that does not seem to be the problem, have you rebooted? I would not expect this to change much, but it might.

Did you try exporting it in various formats, then reimporting it? If you've had it for several years, it's probably more likely in *.doc than any other format. Have you tried exporting it as RTF and OpenOffice format plus text?

Do you still get the problem exporting it as text, reimporting then printing it? If you still get the problem, you must have some funny control characters that get exported with the text. There are tools to scan for characters that are NOT vanilla ascii, but I'm not familiar with them. Once you can get the text to print as you want, you need to restore formatting and anything else in the original file. I'd delete all the text that does not print plus a bit more, verify that everything retained prints, then add back the text deleted from the *.txt version. If that does not work, then I'd work from the *.txt version and add all the formatting, etc., a part at a time, saving intermediate files until you get what you want.

"Binary search" techniques could speed this work, potentially: If you have one version that has the problem and another version that doesn't, then identify the differences and systematically try a version roughly half way between one that works and one that doesn't until you fix the problem.

      Hope this helps.

On 1/23/2012 10:25 AM, George E Noon wrote:
    Thanks for your reply.
When I copied & pasted the page in question, the result was unchanged; all was visible on-screen, but the 2 last paragraphs did not print. In those 2 paragraphs, I am unable to find any setting which would account for their 'going invisible'... As to the Help "changes">"review function" -- that does not seem to have any join to what my problem is, in fact it only refers to spreadsheets. I see that you are in London -- not that that, or where my dad's family comes from has a thing to do with anything, but I'll toss it in anyway; my dad's father was from the village of Arnold in Nottinghamshire UK & came to the USA on the Lucitania (sister ship to the ill-fated Lusitania), on its last voyage across the Atlantic before WWI. I had an Uncle Harry Noone, from Notts, who was a Crown Chauffeur [I may have the term wrong, but he drove for the Government], had been Master of two different Masonic Lodges there, and spent his final days as a resident of the Masonic Home in York Any way, thanks for your attempts to help - small world & seemingly smaller, daily & if we are not helping one another, thing would really look bleak.

On 01/23/2012 04:51 AM, Harold Fuchs wrote:

"George E Noon" <ge.n...@verizon.net> wrote in message news:4f1d0ca7.90...@verizon.net...
        Seems I've found a new & especially annoying problem.
A document I've had on disk for several years & have printed without problems before, has now come to the point where some paragraphs do not print at all - although they appear on-screen OK & I can find no formatting or other setting difference between the text which prints & that which does not, except that one does & the other does not print. I really do not wish to have to completely re-enter the entire document, all over again (& hope that whatever caused the non-print problem does not occur again, anyway). Does any one have any thoughts as to a possible cause -- I will investigate all angles I'm able to do.
        Thanks for your assistance.
George E Noon

What happens if you copy/paste one of the offending paragraphs into a new and otherwise empty Writer document and then print that? Does that give you any clues?

Are the offending paragraphs the result of tracked changes (Reviews) which have been suppressed/rejected? See the Help under "changes">"review function" - at least that's where it is in OpenOffice; I don't have LO on this system.



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