Le 08/02/12 13:29, Heinrich Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi Heinrich,

> No, I haven't. What exactly do I have to remove? There is a
> ".config/libreoffice/3/user/..."
> directory under my /home/... directory.
> Thanks for your help

Hmm, yes there is that one, but from what I gather, there might be other
leftover configuration bits from previous versions in other places - the
configuration folder paths got changed on Linux sometime during 3.4
development, which complicates things somewhat.

As a first attempt, I would try renaming your ./config/libreoffice to
something else, and then restarting LibreOffice, and trying to install
the connector again.

I wanted to install Linux Mint Lisa alongside Ubuntu Oneiric in order to
test, but the installation from the Live DVD keeps failing at the
partition stage...grr, and I haven't had time to sort it out.


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