Pedro wrote:
That is a little unfair on PDF! PDF is excellent for archiving documents as
IF they were printed. It saves on trees and it saves on disk space (compared
to digitized images of documents).

The fixed page size and numbering is extremely important when you are
referring to some portion of a document. It doesn't make sense to say, "in
the third paragraph of page 20" and then because the text was re-flowed to
fit in a 3" screen that paragraph is in page 100...

Another big advantage of PDF (when loaded in a PC, Win or Linux, and
probably on a Mac) is that you can embed the fonts so you know your page
will look*exactly*  like you designed it. Apparently this does not work in a
Kindle, so it is expected that they will look different because fonts are
being replaced (as in an epub)

There's nothing wrong with PDFs in the right context. However, that context is not devices with small screens, such as tablets or smart phones.

Just my 2 cents;)

Here's your change back.  ;-)

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