Le 15/02/2012 00:25, noibs a écrit :
One more workaround that seems to have the least drawbacks for me is to apply
a very light shade of gray or some color to the background of the page.  It
will include the main page, header and footer.  Then, if you haven't already
done it, set your printing preferences in Writer to not print backgrounds.
Create a template for new documents and you are all set.

Yes, but it is just that: a workaround to fix an interface defect.

BTW, I've started a new thread in the UX list (libreoffice-ux-adv...@lists.freedesktop.org): "The "no border text" feature in Writer 3.5 is not complete" where I ask for the return of a previously existing option: display or hide the text limits.

What they are essentially saying is that they know what's
best for me.  Take it or leave it.  When I find a better option, I'll leave

I understand your thoughts.

I'm know I'm probably violating whatever the rules of this forum are in
terms of editorializing, so this will be it.

Telling things is better that shutting up.

What bothers me the more on the users lists (FR is the same for that matter) is the recurring motto Regina sang: "discussing here will not make it appear." To tell the truth, this is a shoking answer. Users may not wish to register to some "strange" or hidden list for a one-shot message, non-english speaking users might feel they are set aside. As the users lists are frequently visited by members of TDF, it would seem important these knowledgeable people report to the devs, if the devs themselves don't lurk round here (which is a shame development-wise).

Best regards,
Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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