Hi :)
Sounds like her machine was just being a bit slow.  If that is Windows then 
perhaps defrag, "Disk Clean-up", perhaps uninstall the 2nd and 3rd antivirus 
program.  Watch out for auto-scans and defrags.  Empty the wastebin and the 
wastebin of the emailing program she uses.  Windows performance seems to 
suddenly drop off if the 'drive' is over 80% full.  If the defragger shows 21% 
free space then that is about as good as it gets unless you can get it right 
down to almost nothing on the hard-drive (unlikely) when there seems to be 
another slight boost in performance.  Set the virtual memory to a fixed size 
about 2xRam or a little less, anything over Ram but below 2xRam is about 
perfect.  The virtual memory is probably heavily fragmented as it's been 
randomly changing size and throwing bits of itself all over the drive.  Setting 
it to a fixed size stops it getting worse.  The standard Windows defragger 
can't do system-files, such as the virtual
 memory ("pagefile.sys" on Xp and earlier), which are usually the ones that 
make the biggest difference.  Hmmm, ideally a reinstall of Windows and then set 
the virtual memory might be best but it takes a LOT of time to install all the 
other programs and tweak and update everything.  Maybe LO took her just over 
the 80%?

On pretty much any OS check what processes start-up when the machine is booted 
up and when scheduled tasks are due to run.  I tend to switch all that off (or 
at least the bits i know how to do myself, such as defrags, updates and 
antivirus-scans) and then try to remember to do maintenance tasks at a time to 
suit myself.    

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Thu, 16/2/12, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions 
<webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:

From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <webmas...@krackedpress.com>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Spell check for 3.4.5 on Win7 not working
To: "LibreO - Users Global" <users@global.libreoffice.org>
Date: Thursday, 16 February, 2012, 12:36

I loaded 3.4.5 onto a Win7 [64-bit] laptop yesterday at a meeting for a lady.  
She wanted to use LO to type up the notes of the meeting right there.

But after she saved the document, she clicked on the spell check icon and the 
windows came up empty with a "not responding" text in the "pop up window" name.

Anyone have that problem with a newer HP laptop?

Any idea how to fix this?

I did not have the time to try to work with her to figure out what the issue 
was, but I hope to get with her soon to fix the problem and add more free 
software to her brand new laptop.

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