On Tue, 2012-03-20 at 14:33 +0000, Mark Stanton wrote:
> Thanks Dan & Jean-Francois,
> Got to use double quotes?  Whose idea was that? :-S  Mutter mutter 
> mutter, yup that works :-(
> All working now!  We'll find out how good it is next week when it 
> gets used in the production run! :-)
> Thanks again
> Mark Stanton
> One small step for mankind...

      It might be HSQLDB, or it might be SQL. The field name you
mentioned was Country which has both upper and loser case letters. At
the bottom is a quote from "name" in the HSQLDB user guide 1.8 page 121.
      My guess goes in one or two directions: Queries in LO and OOo use
double quotes around schema (databases), tables, and fields; and
possibly the mix of upper and lower case is not recognized as the name
of a field.


"The character set for quoted identifiers (names) in HSQLDB is Unicode.
A unquoted identifier (name) starts with a letter and is followed by any
number of ASCII letters or digits. When an SQL statement is issued, any
lowercase characters in unquoted identifiers are converted to uppercase.
Because of this, unquoted names are in fact ALL UPPERCASE when used in
SQL statements. An important implication of this the for accessing
columns names via JDBC DatabaseMetaData: the internal form, which is the
ALL UPPERCASE must be used if the column name was not quoted in the
CREATE TABLE statement."

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