On Tue, 2012-03-20 at 14:33 +0000, Mark Stanton wrote:
> Thanks Dan & Jean-Francois,
> Got to use double quotes?  Whose idea was that? :-S  Mutter mutter 
> mutter, yup that works :-(
> All working now!  We'll find out how good it is next week when it 
> gets used in the production run! :-)
> Thanks again
> Mark Stanton
> One small step for mankind...

    Further update from personal testing: I opened a database in LO that
I use for education purposes. I created a table (TEST_DV) using Design
View with 3 fields; created a second table (TEST_SQL) using Tools > SQL
using a CREATE TABLE statement. Closed the db, renamed it to have a .zip
extension, and looked at the Script file inside the database folder
which was inside the zip file.
    What I discovered was: TEST_DV (name of the table and its fields
were all contained in double quotes using the case for each letter of
these names); TEST_DV (name of table and its fields were all caps but no
     My conclusion: If you use Design View to create a table, you will
have to use double quotes for the names of your tables and fields; use
SQL statements to create tables, and you don't have to use quotes (just
all caps).
     What I have not tested: modifying the Script file to remove the
quotes around these names while making the names all caps. {Someone else
will get this privilege.} Besides, I don't know if it would be worth the
time to do it.


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