Hi :)
Do you have Auto-save on?  That seems to create a problem with images 
sometimes, intermittently in the way you describe, although it's quite rare so 
there are probably other factors involved too.  

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Mon, 26/3/12, John Valance <jvala...@sprynet.com> wrote:

From: John Valance <jvala...@sprynet.com>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Writer is erasing JOOScripts on save
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Monday, 26 March, 2012, 23:31

I am using LibreOffice Writer to format templates for use with JODReports.
These templates are used to generate work order forms for a Natural Gas
Utility, merging database content from a DB2 database. This is a great, low
cost solution for report generation. However, I'm am having a major problem
with what appears to be a bug in Writer, which is causing all of my embedded
scripts to be erased when I save my templates. This is an intermittent
problem - it doesn't happen on every save. But when it does, I lose all my
embedded fields (more than two dozen of them!), and I have to revisit each
field and re-enter the scripting code which indicates the field name to
merge from the data source. This is extremely frustrating and costly in
terms of redoing work and not being able to change formatting in the
templates. If we don't find a solution we will have to abandon LibreOffice
and hope that OpenOffice or MS Word are more stable solutions. 


The method for inserting a merge field is: Insert / Fields / Other. (or
Ctrl+F2), select Functions tab, then click Input Field, then click OK. For
"Reference", enter 'JOOScript', then click Insert. A dialog box appears,
where you enter the FreeMarker expression that refers to the data field to
merge, in a format like: ${field-name}. This is described here:


This will insert into the content.xml (within the zipped .odt file) a tag
like this:



The problem I'm having is, when I save my odt file, Writer is erasing all of
the FreeMarker expressions which are the content of these text-input tags.
So what you would see in content.xml after this happens, is text-input tags
with no content, like this:

<text:text-input text:description="jooscript"></text:text-input>


Anyone else have a similar problem, or know of a solution? Any help is much


Many thanks,


John Valance

JValance Consulting



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