Hi :)
Dohhh, that last post was meant to be off-list!!
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 17/4/12, Ian Whitfield <whitfi...@telkomsa.net> wrote:

From: Ian Whitfield <whitfi...@telkomsa.net>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Problems importing an OO database into LO
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Tuesday, 17 April, 2012, 10:28

>  On 04/15/2012 08:58 AM, David wrote: > ...
>>> >>  >>  What database doe you think works better than OpenOffice or 
>>> >>LibreOffice?
>>> >>  
> I don't have any views on this matter.
After using OO/LO Base for over 5 years now I gave up last month after the 
latest "crash". It has been an ongoing battle to keep my DB operational and I 
was really fed-up with all the crashes, loss of data and time spent fixing the 
DB etc etc over the years.

I'm NOT running a fancy DB here - just a Membership List with about 2500 
records, each record with three photos and approx 70 fields. A bunch of Queries 
and a few Reports so it's not exactly "Rocket Science"!!

I came to the very sad conclusion, (after my last "crash" when Base managed to 
randomly drop about a quarter of my Data (not complete records but fields in 
the records), and scramble about another third!!!!!!! AND it would no longer 
even run my 'User Form'!!), that Base is NOT fit for purpose. This is MY 
opinion - and I think 5 years is a long enough time to get a good "feel" for it 
- but no doubt I will get "flamed" for this comment.

LONG story short........ I have now moved my (re-built) Database on to Kexi - 
and what a difference!!!! It's like getting out of an old broken-down VW (or 
other make) of car and getting into a brand new Jaguar and driving down the 
highway at 100mph!! And I know what that feels like as I did just that last 
year in the UK!! Yes there is a lot to learn and work out but the overall 
effect is like Chalk and Cheese!!

For anyone interested I can recommend this DB - some of the more fancy options 
are only due out in future releases but for a basic DB job it "just works"!!

I'm NOT missing Base!!

Ian Whitfield

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