John Bijnens wrote (19-04-12 16:56)

I have OpenOffice installed on my laptop and I have LibreOffice as a
portable app on an external hard drive in case I need it.
I prefer OpenOffice because, although it lacks some features available
in LibreOffice which I don't use that often, it is much stabler and thus
more of use in a production environment. Of course this is my personal
impression, things can be different for someone else.

There are many bugs from OpenOffice code removed from the LibreOffice code.
People running Libreoffice as a server application, that ran OpenOffice before, are extremely clear in their experience: it's much and much stabler. And the biggest bug from OpenOffice code is being worked on too at LibreOffice: cleaning up the whole thing, make it ready for future. This gives regressions, temporarily. Alas. But the other improvements outweigh that, by far.
Ah well, you will find out yourself the next months, years maybe  ;-)


 - Cor

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