> Jiri: Both of these people work for professional organizations where the
> organizations have settled on the .docx format as their default document
> format. For one of these people, installing LibreOffice at his
> university is simply not an option for now. The other person works for a
> large music organization that has also settled on MSO although she is
> advocating LibreOffice with some sort of success, but not yet endorsed
> by the organization.

The fact that these organisation chose to use m$ in instead of odf is
of their own right to do. Making their lives easier using m$ is of _no
benefit_ to LO.

> Tom: Both of these people are already exporting their files in .doc or
> .pdf files. The problem with this is that they now have a ton of files
> that have been doubled; they are both at the admin levels of their
> organizations and have very active roles in committees.

Nothing to do with LO. Are these people using LO with authorisation
from those who decided to use m$ by default? The duplication of
documents in multiple formats is entirely the responsibility of the
organisation; nothing to do with LO.

> Being able to "Send" more than one file at a time would eliminate
> completely the need to export physical files to hardrives.

They should have thought about this before deciding upon m$!

> I was thinking if LibreOffice were able to do this, then people would
> grow to depend on the ODF file formats more and view any other file
> format as being less important. The perception to users would be that
> ODF formats are the "defacto" format and other are really "sub-formats"
> to the defacto OFD formats.

Total nonsense. The only result would be: "fantastic, we can continue
to use LO as a m$ clone and increase the proliferation of m$ file
formats" Even m$ would find that scenario (m$ documents being created
by LO) preferable to an increase in quantities of odf documents being

Lack of strategic analysis is preventing growth in the use of odf...

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