Thanks to everyone who replied. I took Open Office out of startup, and LibreOffice installed without a hitch.

-----Original Message----- From: Thomas Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Installation problem Windows 7 and LO 3.5

On Tue, 29 May 2012 18:29:20 -0500
"Emily Akin" <> wrote about [libreoffice-users] Installation
problem Windows 7 and LO 3.5:
I have tried to install Libre Office 3.5 multiple times on my Windows 7 64-bit machine. When I start the install, a message comes up saying to Clos e LibreOffice Quickstarter 3.5. Nothing else is open. When I click OK. I get a message that the
install was interrupted with no choice but to End.

I have Open Office on my computer. Could something about Open Office be
interfering with the LibreOffice install?

Emily Akin

Hi Emily :<)
OpenOffice probably is listed in the windows startup list. You can change this by (as administrator) click on the startup icon and in the run box entering msconfig.
Go to the startup tab and delete OpenOffice.

Please, when you have a new subject, don't hijack an existing thread. Many mail programs use thread information contained in the headers, NOT the subject. If your mail program shows threads you will observe that your message is in the middle of a thread about "Alternate Method of Error Handling when Developing Basic Macros?".
Just changing the subject doesn't start a new thread.

This would help you have a better chance of getting a good answer as more people
would see the subject where they skip over threads (with your message in the
midst) that don't interest them.


“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world
remains and is immortal.”  Albert Pine

Tom Taylor - retired penguin
AMD Phenom II x4 955 -- 4GB RAM -- 2x1.5TB sata2
openSUSE 12.1x86_64    openSUSE 12.2x86_64
KDE 4.7.2, FF 7.0      KDE 4.8.1, FF 10.0
claws-mail 3.8.0
registered linux user 263467

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