On 07/18/2012 03:22 PM, Larry Blanchard wrote:
I have 2 databases created under OpenOffice 3.2 using Ubuntu Linux
10.04.  Both databases have the same permissions and are in the same
directory so the parent permissions are also the same.

I purged OO and installed LO.  Still using Ubuntu 10.04.

If I open one of my databases in LibreOffice it works fine.  If
I open the other, I can read it but I cannot add a new record nor can I
edit an existing record.  It seems to somehow be marked as read-only.

I have been unable to find a way to make it read/write.  I got around
the problem by exporting to a spreadsheet, creating a new database, and
importing to that database.

So I'm back in business.  But for future reference, how the @#$%! do I
make the original read/write or at least get some sort of error message
- and yes I've checked the Linux log files for messages - no joy there.

All help appreciated.
It sounds like the file ownership got messed up.

Depending on how comfortable you are with using the terminal I would use the following to change the ownership

chown <username> <path-to-file/file.ext>

For example the file is in your db sub folder of your Documents folder the path is /home/username/Documents/db. The username is your log on name for Ubuntu.

Jay Lozier

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