Omega sector
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*I dump it off to a HP Laser jet 1522 something and it prints like crazy has fax, Printer. copier, and scanner all in one thing I got it for free seems the office has windows and the driver got lost and the printer would not work any more AWW GEE ! I pugged it in and turned it on and started printing

So they got another one ( same as this one ) and I got this one with a NEW printer cartridge in it . . standing in right spot a right time I guess It Says I can go thru about 10 of the 500 sheets per package things from Walmart or Staples and so far I have only used it for about 1 package of paper stil got about 30 in the printer and 50 or so left in the package so Next month I splurge and get another package of paper


On 07/28/2012 02:49 PM, Joep L. Blom wrote:
On 28-07-12 19:34, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

Windows users can get free PDF printer drivers, like doPDF. Linux users
can use other options like CUPS-PDF.  What are you using to print your
files to PDF with?

<large cut>
For everybody who needs to use for some reason Windows:
use VMware (or VirtualBox) under Linux(ubuntu or whatever version) and run (preferably Windows XP) for your Windows stuff. No need for dual booting. Simply have one desktop with Linux and a second with virtual XP. Switching is as easy as using CTRL-left arrow or CTRL Fn (where n is the desktop number. Most distributions come with 4 desktops.
Hope this make life a little easier for you,

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