On Tue, 7 Aug 2012, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:

On 07/08/2012 at 07:37, Felmon Davis <dav...@union.edu> wrote:

perhaps also Miroslav could cite a book or two; don't see what difference it makes if the books are in Polish. if Missouri is the 'show-me' state, does that require translation into Missourian?

Can you, without help of translation software, tell which one is about register?


1. Części książki zawierające informacje o dziele i autorze lub stanowiące wypowiedź autora związaną z książką. 2. Zgodność padania na siebie wierszy kolumn wydrukowanych po przeciwnych stronach arkusza. 3. Nawiasy okrągłe stosowane są przez autora danego tekstu do oznaczania alternatywnych sformułowań tekstu głównego. (They are all excerpts from the same book, "Typografia typowej książki" by Robert Chwałowski.)

It is safer to assume that most of readers here do not understand Polish. If I write something in language that other people in this thread do not understand, then this message is not proving anything. I could as well write recipe for apple pie and other people will be unable to tell the difference.

I find this an absurd criterion of proof. there are plenty of proofs of things I do not understand, for instance in math physics or fluid dynamics, but that doesn't imply they are not proofs!

to access them I would need yrs of training. to access a text in Polish I need a friend or colleague (or software), a lot easier. or I can just take your word for it.

The same goes for your quote in German. Let's assume that I do not know word "register" and think it is not understandable and should be changed. I read your post, which contain proof in German with "rough and very abbreviated" translation. How can I be sure that this translation is accurate? If I do not understand German, I have no idea what is written there. I must depend solely on your translation.

And *you* are trying to convince me! How can I be sure that you are not lying just to prove your point?

that's pretty cynical. though St Paul wrote that a fellow from Crete told him all Cretans are liars!

(Personally I hope you do not, but again - this is only assumption that may be wrong.)

anyone with a little savvy or some friends can check the translation. and it is exceedingly unlikely you would be lying, it is more likely there is confusion about the question. I am quite prepared to take your word and I see no reason to think we are talking about different things.

If we are trying to convince someone (as in this case), then we must do our best to provide arguments that are understood. It is crucial that each side can independently verify accuracy of arguments. Otherwise, our debate partner will have to believe us. And faith is not a proof.

understood and agreed. and our interlocutors must sometimes be willing to do a little work if they are uncertain of our veracity or accuracy.

sorry to be so longwinded, and we should be wary of 'thread drift'.


Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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Felmon Davis
Union College - Schenectady, NY

This was the most unkindest cut of all.
                -- William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar"

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