I prefer the list, or even better a forum. I won't be bothered editing the to/cc fields on a reply so it will be reply-all and every poster I reply to will get a private copy. I suspect in time this will become the norm.


On 2012-08-14 08:01, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
I hope this gets to the right place. I used "Reply All" in Thunderbird. The header looks correct, but people are going to get duplicate messages.
Here is another side-effect of this change:
Right! Yesterday, your changes broke my email filter which puts libreoffice user group messages in a specific folder. But then I changed the filter from looking at "Reply-To:" to "To:" and thought that would suffice. Now, this morning I got 7 libreoffice messages in my correct folder via my filter change, and 4 messages direct from members in my main inbox, which my filter did not catch. Your change may make it easy for you, but it is a nightmare for me. There is no way I can create filters for all users who use their address.

My vote is to return the list to the way it behaved before you made this change. This is "Anne-ology"'s Poll option #1.

I might also add, that the mis-addressed private message issue did happen to me many years ago, when I sent what I thought was a private joke message and discovered to my chagrin after sending it, that Netscape also added a newsgroup address to the header without my blessing. You can imagine the impact of that. It was not funny and I am still, after over 20 years, seeing that association come up now and then. Since then, I verify where my email client is sending my messages before sending them. Anyone who does not do so, is taking a chance and should not persecute others for their mistakes.
Girvin Herr

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

I just posted a reply to a thread to the last poster instead of the thread by mistake. I am so use to pressing "Reply" and the next button being "Reply All", that I now have to remember to skip the "Reply" button and remember that the "Reply All" button has been replaced with "Reply List". This may cause some problems, if too many of our list users get the reply posting that were meant to go to the lists instead.

Christian L. just sent me a notice that my posting went to him instead the "How can I know which one is a spam?" thread in the Website list.

I nearly sent this posting to "anne-ology" instead of the User list. This is going to be a problem, maybe.

On 08/13/2012 01:06 PM, anne-ology wrote:
exactly, therefore to change the default, you're changing this list to where folks will now be corresponding privately rather than allowing the
list to hear what's new and learn from others.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Felmon Davis <dav...@union.edu> wrote:

On Mon, 13 Aug 2012, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

I did not know that you could "make" the email client state "Reply List" instead of the text on the "Reply All" button. I run Thunderbird 14.0.

I have to get use to using the "Reply List" instead of "Reply" to post a message to the thread. It could be confusing to people, but does make it easier to send a message to the poster, off list. I use to copy the email address of the poster and then paste it to my "To:" section. This will be easier to do that, but hopefully not too many people will forget to use the
"new" "Reply List" button instead of the "Reply" button.

myself, I am not so clear why people are interested in sending private
email to people on a public list. I did it yesterday but only because I had
trouble posting to the list and was overeager to get my word
('hucksterism') in.

the default mode on a list of replying to the list made sense to me. not a
big deal for me since I mostly lurk.


Felmon Davis

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