All the best LibO folks,
This discussion about calendars etc. may be interesting perhaps also useful -- but back to the basic question!
Microsoft is going to change their behavior.

Let us remember that MS is the absolute market leader -- they can't be totally wrong when having 95% and people accept paying. It is no use blaming MS for success -- it is only waste of energy and expresses your foolishness. LibO only have to accept it.

Whether you like it or not MS's programs use to work without remarkable problems - and if such happens MS fixes them rather quickly. That is why people and especially companies seem to be prepaired to pay what ever the cost.

What I have tried to say is that if LibO wants to get a reasonable share oh this cake -- free of charge or not -- then LibO must offer and also deliver something better than the MS's Office suit it's Access included -- equal is far away from enough.

Some of you said that ordinary users -- and even more experienced - seldom use more than a 2-5% of the LibO's (MSO's) features. Why not then identify the 30% of all most used features and make sure that at least these work properly -- Base included.

If LibO cannot be made at least as stable, free of bugs and easy to use -- and especially it's help function understandable for every new user -- then there is no larger future for LibO except for a small group of idealists and enthusiasts in their own little kindergarten.
I see this as a question of defining priorities - and a strategy.
If the goal seems clear and clever then then the resources will at least not disappear.
Pertti Rönnberg

On 27.9.2012 10:08, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
On 26/09/12 12:01, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
I have seen listings on Mozilla's archive system for an extension to help with the syncing to a Google account.

Don't need any of those for Google Calendar - you can use Caldav which doesn't require any extension at all.

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