> In many (most) companies/organizations (other than IT) the managers
> have quite little own knowledge in IT why they do not have many
> alternatives: they have to buy the IT from outside (more or less)
> experts or build up a IT-dept of their own. 

Dedicated IT departments are well known and well documented to be *the*
most important organisational pathology ("antipattern") that ruins
productivity of information workers in companies.

> And if all (95% ?) your important contacts, customers, officials, 
> private, etc. use Windows, and all of your own staff know (only) 
> Windows/MSO  then the economic calculation says that you must "talk
> the same language" -- you can not afford anything else.

If you had ever tried to do the work of an average information worker,
you would know that "compatibility" in the real world (where the actual
work has to be done) means efficient re-use of content. And that, in
this sense, Microsoft is incompatible with itself, because the
unstructered spaghetti content model of MS applications does not allow
for efficient re-use of content. In fact it is more efficient to re-use
content from, e.g. an MS Word document with e.g. LyX rather than with MS
Word itself.

> I strongly disagree with you about Jay's and Wolfgang' s behavior -
> take a look at my parallel post "MS problems" some minutes earlier.
> If these managers concentrate on their own jobs - and buy the IT - it 
> does not qualify them to be called "IT-illiteral morons" as Jay and 
> Wolfgang did.

It does not only qualify them as "IT illiterate" morons, but also as
generally illiterate concerning analytical, pertinent problem solving.

If one would categorise the competence of people in a similar manner as
Wolfgang Pauli categorised scientific theories, typical managers would
have to be attributed to the category of "not even incompetent" people.
Because they are obviously incompetent, but pretend otherwise *and*
arrogate the power to "decide".

> In 30 years I have had no problems (!) with the Windows' programs
> (the cost are a relative matter),

Because you never tried to do actual information work with it. And/or
because you never tried to do actual information work with *efficient*



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