On 10/15/2012 07:48 AM, Wolfgang Keller wrote:
that's the way it is and that's why currently I don't use LO Writer
for anything else than for converting .doc files to .pdf
I might just be something a little bit above a IT moron but using LO
Writer to convert doc into pdf appears to me like using a tractor to
participate in a F1 race or using an F1 race car to plough a field.
Why not installing a pdf-writer SW, there are even free-of-charge
versions available.
The point is that you do not only need a printer driver to generate the
PDF, but also an application that can open those .doc, .ppt etc. files.



Wolfgang . . .

I use Writer's "Export to PDF" and CUPS-PDF [Ubuntu 12.04] both, to create PDF "prints" of my document. CUPS-PDF will "print" PDFs for any package that can print to a physical printer. I use doPDF for Windows systems.

"Export to PDF" doesgreat, except for some of the real decortive fonts I may use. Then I need to use CUPS-PDF. The drawback with "CUPS-PDF is the document is always viewed in portrait mode even if the text is aligned in a landscape mode.

To be honest, I even use Writer to create eBooks for my tablet. For some reason, I cannot get my tablet to read my ebooks on the installed microSD card. Kindle for Android does not want to do it. So, after all my "testing" I figured it would be easier to create PDFs that was in the "print size" of a paperback, or at least my 7 inch tablet's screen. Right now, I open the .mobi files,or .epub files, and export them to a plain text file. Then I open them in Writer and use the A6 page size [4.13 by 5.83 inches] and reduce the margins down to .15 inches. Then I export them to a PDF file. That process works well. Actually the only way I can get the Kindle reader to read a file on the added microSD card is to open a PDF file using the file manager. This way will not work with any other file type forKindle, but it does workwith PDF. I do not have a Kindle tablet, but a $100 Trio Stealth Pro, since that was all I could afford at the time.

SO, Writer does a lot of things that a "reader/converter" app cannot do. I cancreate PDF eBooks from free plain text files, or even other file formats with a little help.

I now have 3 six-foot high bookshelf units staked 2 and 3 deep with paperback books. I am currently working on getting as many of those books in both audio and eBook formats. Then, if I ever have to reduce the number of books, or make room for newones, I will have them still in eBook, and maybe audio book, format. Writer helps me take the .epub and .mobi books and convert them into something I can use on my tablet. Of course, I could move/copy them over to the internal 4 GB card, but I would rather leave them on the removable 32 GB microSD card.

Last year, I would not have imagined that I would use Writer, and some helper-apps to make usable eBooks for a tablet. Last year I did not think I would ever buy a table either.

Actually I use Writer for "quick" posters for people. If itis a complex poster, I use Inkscape, but slowly learning what Draw can do. Actually I create anew/revised logo for a non-profit organization that I created the original logo for. I used Draw this time, just to practicewith it.

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