This thread has been ongoing for a relatively long time now and IMHO it has forked many times and veared off of its original message: that MS was to start renting their software and the lock on users that that implies. Well, as we have been debating all these forked threads, there are other mainstream software suppliers that have also signed on to the software rental business model. Although this is not directly competitive with LO, it is related to the subject and may interest office suite users. I see today in our local big-box office supplies outlet advertisement that Adobe is now renting their mainstream software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Create Cloud. They call it a "subscription", but it looks like rental to me. On one listing for example, the "subscription" for Adobe Photoshop is listed at $59.99 (US) and the rental period is only 3 months! I don't know what Photoshop is selling for since I don't use it, but that seems expensive to me. Maybe I am just cheap or unrealistic in today's market. In all cases, I am *never* going to put my data at the mercy of a corporation - whether it be "the cloud" or limited-usage rented maintenance tools. I still have the scars from doing that in the past.
I'm getting off my soapbox now...
Girvin Herr

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