I've been using LibreOffice on Ubuntu 10.04 for many months. I
    transcribe recorded interviews. The format includes the
    identification of the speaker at the left margin followed by what
    they said. To speed up the typing I use the short abbreviation I:
    when the interviewer is speaking, and M: or F: when the interviewee
    is speaking. When I'm all done I use FindReplace to change I:
    toInterviewer:, and then change M: (or F:) toInterviewee:.
    This process has been working fine for months. The day before
    yesterday it stopped applying the italic format during replace.How do I 
figure out what happened, and then how do I fix it? The
    last few interviews have been only a few pages long, so reformatting
    each Interviewer: and Interviewee: by hand wasn't too big of a
    problem. I'm about to start on some longer interviews and I want to
    fix the problem before I start.-- 

Dick Steffens
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