Thanks Guys!! (Girvin, Henirich, Dan, Mas and maybe others!!)

You have all added some pieces to the Jigsaw and I'm pleased to say......

*I now have Base working with a MySQL Database!!!! (at last!!)*

As Girvin would say "My Bad"!! I had been looking for the file 'my.cfg' when it should have been 'my.cnf'. This was the last missing piece, once I found it and found the "skip-networking" line inside it and commented it out everything worked fine.

So once again guys - thanks for sticking with me - awesome support and I do appreciate it!!

Now the fun starts - I have already designed my Form yesterday but now need to puzzle out how to get all my data out of the old DB into the new SQL DB. And then re-write all my Queries and reports.

Greatly appreciated - regards from South Africa

Pretoria RSA.

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