Hi :)
I think quite a few of us owe a huge thanks to Dan for being a total star.  
Certainly i do.  Chapter 3 is larger than 3 chapters of most other guides and 
it's even larger than the current iteration of one entire guide!  (Although i 
think the Maths Guide might grow a bit for the 3.7.x).  Also Dan seems to have 
fixed Chapter 2 of the Base Guide.  

There are a few people working on a Base Handbook, translating it from the 
German.  A couple of people translated the French Faq's Base section into 
English.  But all that is quite a lot different from researching and writing a 
hefty guide from scratch!  

So, top marks to Dan from me, if that counts for anything (sadly it doesn't).  
Please can people who do know about Base try reading the 2nd and 3rd chapters?  
That might help the docs team get it through the proof-reading stage.  Also it 
would be interesting to hear from people who know nothing about database 
programs to hear if it helped or made sense.  

Of course there are different possible approaches for writing a guide and this 
isn't a good time to try to steer the guide in a different direction.  Between 
the handbook, the Faq and the guide most people will hopefully be able to find 
a way into understanding Base even if they haven't been aware of using database 
programs before.  

Again, a million thanks to Dan from me.  
Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Dan Lewis <elderdanle...@gmail.com>
>To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Tuesday, 6 November 2012, 19:38
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Connecting LO Base to an SQL DB [SOLVED]
>     This is the link to the LibreOffice guides. The Base section contain 
>links to the first 3 chapters of the Base Guide. Chapter 1 has been published. 
>Chapter 2 & 3 are still in draft form.
>--Dan (Eastern US)
>On 11/06/2012 10:29 AM, Pertti Rönnberg wrote:
>> Thank you Dan, IanW and Heinrich
>> for your kind answering and encouraging!
>> The other day when some spare time I shall study your advice and try again.
>> Is it not fantastic that we like this can discuss things all across the 
>> word!!!
>> Pertti Rönnberg (Finland)
>> On 6.11.2012 15:12, Dan Lewis wrote:
>>> Base as a stand alone refers to embedded databases (the database data is 
>>> contained in the database file. This type of database can lose data.
>>>      However, this does not mean that you have to use MySQL, Presgresql, or 
>>>Oracle, ... Nor do you have to install a JDBC or ODBC driver for Base to 
>>>connect to the data. Base includes its own JDBC driver. Everything you need 
>>>is included in the installed Base files.
>>>      The last section of Chapter 3 of the Base Guide discusses how to 
>>>extract the data from an embedded database and connect to this data using 
>>>Base. (The data becomes an external data source. I don't have time right now 
>>>to upload this to the LO Wiki, but I will be doing it in about 6 hours or 
>>>so. Warning: it is a draft copy, but you are free to study it and make any 
>>>suggestions or comments about it.
>>> --Dan
>>> On 11/06/2012 04:34 AM, Pertti Rönnberg wrote:
>>>> Hello LibO experts,
>>>> and congratulations IanW!
>>>> It has been very interesting to follow this discussion getting Base 
>>>> working with MySQL.
>>>> Unfortunately -- if I got it right - is Ian's OS a Linux (Ubuntu?)
>>>> Would it be possible to get the same proceeding described as a 
>>>> step-by-step instruction for Windows7 (64bit)?
>>>> >    in plain english  (no IT-jargong)
>>>> >    starting from the very beginning defining the different programs 
>>>> >(versions) and components (ODBC, JDBC, JRE, etc when needed, included) to 
>>>> >be installed
>>>> Since Andreas Säger (one of LibO db-experts) last winter and spring 
>>>> repeatedly pointed out that LibO/Base is not to be considered as a 
>>>> stand-alone database program I have several times tried to create the 
>>>> connection LibO/Base to SQLite and to MySQL (I prefer SQLite as lighter 
>>>> than MySQL), but without success.
>>>> I am sure that such an instruction could increase the acceptance and 
>>>> usability of LibO and
>>>> I am sure that we are many that would be happy.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Pertti Rönnberg
>>>> On 6.11.2012 9:54, Steve Edmonds wrote:
>>>>> On 2012-11-06 20:41, Ian Whitfield wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Guys!! (Girvin, Henirich, Dan, Mas and maybe others!!)
>>>>>> You have all added some pieces to the Jigsaw and I'm pleased to say......
>>>>>> *I now have Base working with a MySQL Database!!!! (at last!!)*
>>>>>> As Girvin would say "My Bad"!! I had been looking for the file 'my.cfg' 
>>>>>> when it should have been 'my.cnf'. This was the last missing piece, once 
>>>>>> I found it and found the "skip-networking" line inside it and commented 
>>>>>> it out everything worked fine.
>>>>>> So once again guys - thanks for sticking with me - awesome support and I 
>>>>>> do appreciate it!!
>>>>>> Now the fun starts - I have already designed my Form yesterday but now 
>>>>>> need to puzzle out how to get all my data out of the old DB into the new 
>>>>>> SQL DB. And then re-write all my Queries and reports.
>>>>>> Greatly appreciated - regards from South Africa
>>>>>> IanW
>>>>>> Pretoria RSA.
>>>>> If you can get your data out of the old database as a csv file it is real 
>>>>> easy to load into MySQL.
>>>>> You can use the command line MySQL command or if you install webmin it 
>>>>> makes database admin easy.
>>>>> Steve
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