I know that this would sound "weird" but how about someone buying the Word "quick study guide" from Bar Charts, Inc. to see how they do it and what they think the users really want/need in a "cheat sheet". Of course, there may be these types of sheets out there for free.

I still think that a "cheat sheet" guide needs to be much more than just a list of keyboard shortcuts. Having graphics showing the different menu options and where the different "functions" needed by the users are - is a good and needed part of such a guide/sheet.

I rarely use keyboard shortcuts [except copy/paste] since I stopped using a DOS-based word processor. For many users, knowing such shortcuts can be very useful, but for those like me the are not used much or rarely.

My Windows "cheat sheet" I bought for my wife back in the 90's had many things, including a "detailed" graphic pointing to all of the different parts of the GUI "window" and describing what they are and how to use them [if they are clickable options]. There are many "icons" and graphics in the "standard" LO/Writer "UI window" that may be new to users. The bottom "bar" iof the UI has things that could be useful to explain to a new user. Of course having a detailed explanation of what each icon on the different tool-bar options for Writer would be great. It would be nice to have a graphic showing what each tool-bar has in options so the user could decide which ones are needed and which one are not, so he/she does not fill up their UI area with unneeded/un-usable options for that user.

I have not gone through the Writer Guide since 3.4.x days, so I do not know what it has in way of such graphics, but it would be nice to have a quick reference guide for these things.

On 11/16/2012 08:47 PM, charles meyer wrote:
Hi Folks,

- - Jay - perhaps you can get us started with the how-tos for the
following as I haven’t figured them out yet, as a bone fide newbie,
and they would be helpful to other newbies?

Subject: Re: e: [libreoffice-users] Word 2003 to Libre Writer - Comparison Chart
From: Jay Lozier <jsloz...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 18:11:00 -0500
To: users@global.libreoffice.org

Like Steve I rarely use Word so I do not specifically remember MSO layout.

- - Steven? Your help would be greatly appreciated as a former Word
user. Please see above my list as you may have already figured them
out which we could add to the cheat sheet in making it spectacular!

Subject: Re: e: [libreoffice-users] Word 2003 to Libre Writer - Comparison Chart
From: Steven Bradley <stevencbrad...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 15:52:40 -0800

Actually, Jay, I have found the transitions from MSOffice normally quite
easy, both with LO and OO;

- - Webmaster?

I completely agree we should add other things like how to change
Margins: Choose Format - Page - Page tab and Tabs: Choose Format -
Paragraph - Tabs tab. Those are the kinds of features recovering Word
and Wordperfect users need to know and will serve LO newbies well.


Subject: Re: e: [libreoffice-users] Word 2003 to Libre Writer - Comparison Chart
From: webmaster-Kracked_P_P <webmas...@krackedpress.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 10:20:15 -0500

I do not use many keyboard shortcuts, and have not for years.  I got
out of the habit back in the XP days.

There are other things, besides shortcuts, that can be included in a
"cheat sheet".  A graphic or chart showing where all of the needed
options are in the toolbars/menus, could be useful. Showing how to do
the different types of PDF exporting.  Showing all of the types of
import filters, like Corel Draw and Visio, could be useful.

I know that there could be a lot of things a "cheat sheet" could
include, keyboard short cuts are just one part.

- Thank you so much!

- Charles.

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