On Tue, 4 Dec 2012, anne-ology wrote:

      you took all my puns away ...

just doing humanity a service.

          I haven't any more; but ne'er fear,
          the punster will re-appear  ;-)

we are armed.

      And, by the way, I really haven't learned what rsync is - I guess I
could 'search' and learn  ;-)

it's a utility for transferring files, especially backing them up. so I do a frequent backup of certain directories I have on a server to my home computer. rsync is fast and will only make copies of stuff that's not already at the destination (if you set it to work that way).

I think the 'r' stands for 'remote' but I don't know; the source doesn't need to be 'remote' though. I just backed up one older external drive I have (was making funny noises) to another newer one.



On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Felmon Davis <dav...@union.edu> wrote:

On Tue, 4 Dec 2012, anne-ology wrote:

       rsync  ???

      I think i are sinking fast ...

sink  vb sinks, sinking, sank ; sunk, sunken

you are probably just joshing around but 'sync' has nothing to do with
'sink'; one is germanic, the other is greek.

'syn'+'chronos' as in 'synchronize'.

sometimes the spelling of words, like the syntax of directory paths,

(and 'syntax' has nothing to do with 'sin' or 'taxes'!)

'rsync' is a great utility; I assume it's available for Windows but I
don't know but there's certainly equivalent stuff.

Felmon Davis

Advice is a dangerous gift; be cautious about giving and receiving it.

Felmon Davis

Fortune and love befriend the bold.
                -- Ovid

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