You are using 3.5.6. Since that time, 3.5.7 was issued to fix a bug but I don't remember why right now. 3.5.7 might not have that problem. Also the newest release is 3.6.3 with 3.6.4 coming soon. 3.6.3 might also not have this problem. I agree that this can be frustrating. I do seem to remember of your problem with help some time in the past, but I don't remember what the problem was. I'm not even sure how to even search for it on the Internet. Sorry.


On 12/05/2012 04:18 PM, Oogie McGuire wrote:
I have tried with both the default set by restoring to defaults which has Times 
as the main font in writer and Arial for Calc and also setting my default fonts 
to something else. I've modified preferences and also restored them to defaults

Doesn't matter what I do I still have the problem where periodically documents 
that were perfectly fine the last time I opened them, will suddenly have 
invisible fonts. When it happens the drop down menu of fonts has a blank line 
where that font name should be.

No rhyme or reason for why or when the problem crops up.

Nothing I've tried fixes the help file problem. It's always totally blank no 
matter what I do. Makes it impossible to get any help if I can't read it.

On Dec 5, 2012, at 1:35 PM, Dan Lewis wrote:

Something to try: open Wrtier with a blank document ("Untitled"). Use this key 
combination: Command+T. This opens the Styles and Formatting window. The list you see are 
the paragraphs styles. Locate Default in that list. Then Control+Click Default and select 
Modify from the context menu. Click the Font tab. This has three lists: Family, the 
Typeface, and the font sizes. See if you can change what you need here.
     If you open Calc and use these same key combinations, you should be able 
to do the same thing.
     Another key combination to use with Writer open: Command+, (Command key and 
comma). This opens Preference. Look at LibreOffice Writer -> Basic Fonts 
Western. There you can set the font that you want to use for LibreOffice and the 
font sizes for specific categories.
     If I had my choice, I would use the Styles and Formatting window for 
changing fonts and their sizes. I have been doing this on my Mac for the past 4 
years with no problems with originally and lately LibreOffice.
Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire
Desert Weyr
Paonia, CO USA

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