What about trying backwards, say a 3.5.4 version. Do you know if the problem existed then.

On 2012-12-07 02:31, Oogie McGuire wrote:
I just checked for updates and Libre Office reports that my system is up to 

However I went out to the LO site and found the newer rev. SO I downloaded it 
and installed and ran into the exact same problem today with fonts missing from 
files that were fine yesterday.

Also that did not fix the help file problem at all.

Would there be any place or way to send the screen shots and would they be 

On Dec 5, 2012, at 2:29 PM, Dan Lewis wrote:

You are using 3.5.6. Since that time, 3.5.7 was issued to fix a bug but I don't 
remember why right now. 3.5.7 might not have that problem. Also the newest 
release is 3.6.3 with 3.6.4 coming soon. 3.6.3 might also not have this problem.
Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire
Desert Weyr http://www.desertweyr.com/
Paonia, CO USA

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