In the legal field, the "track changes" feature is used a lot. Typically, one lawyer will draft a document, and send it off to another for revision. The document will go back and forth several times, with each lawyer adding his own changes. The "track changes" feature is most important. It actually works quite well, with each lawyer accepting or rejecting the changes of the previous lawyer before adding his own. I never had any problems using this feature in Word.

Sad to say, in my legal work, I long ago gave up trying to share documents between Word and OOo or LO. There are too many small differences in the way the programs work (page styles vs. section breaks for example), that files end up being a mess when translated back and forth between the two.

As somewhat of a geek, I found it easier for me to simply defer to what my counterpart was using. I had Word, Wordperfect, and OOo all on my system and I used each depending on who my recipient was going to be.

Now that I'm semi-retired, most of my writing is recreational and what I do professionally, I generally don't have to share, so I can be more free to use whatever I want.


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