This message [below] is not as I sent it -
            I do not know how the bracketed information appeared in the
middle of my message -
                 I don't even know what [if you use Paste Special... to
paste unformatted text] means  ;-)

       But: footnotes are numbered - therefore, clicking on 'find' and
'search'ing the number will locate the footnote ...
            continuing in this fashion, from 1 until each has been found
and re-formatted, is not that time-consuming - more frustrating having to
re-do what was already done before whatever 'kink' interfered  ;-)

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Brian Barker <>wrote:

At 09:26 22/12/2012 -0600, Anne Noname wrote:
>> yes, footnotes become jumbled; but the fact these are numbered makes them
>> 'find'able  ;-)
> I think you are making this up!  If you copy the footnote text and paste
> it (even if you don't use Paste Special...), you get just the text of the
> footnotes: there are no numbers.  And strictly, the text of the different
> footnotes is concatenated, not jumbled, of course.  But perhaps you mean
> the footnote markers in the body text; they are indeed preserved (though no
> longer connected to anything).
> Brian Barker

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