on my laptop dell latitude E6510
CPU Information
Processor (CPU):   Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
  Speed:  933,00 MHz
  Cores:  8
  Memory Information
Total memory (RAM):  3,9 GiB
  Free memory:  169,1 MiB (+ 1,6 GiB Caches)
  Free swap:  9,7 GiB
with opensuse 12.2, kde 4.9.4
libreoffice Version 3.6:build-304 (Build ID: 360m1(Build:304)),

I have a calc file with 7 sheets, one of them is a 33 columns x 4461 rows sheet, I would like to delete it, right click on it, click on delete sheet, after one hour it wasn't deleted and libreoffice was hanged, is it normal or it is not a common behaviour??? or bug??

and also I remember that with the previous versions it wasn't so slow in all the operations, insert a number in a blank cell takes up to 3 seconds

to delete the sheet I had to delete 500 rows per time and then the sheet deletetion takes about 5 minutes

I don't know if it depends on file, I can send if it can help

thnx :-) ciao :-) pier and happy new year

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