
I'm having a lot of trouble doing something that I figure is actually
pretty simple to do -- I hope folks can help me out!

I have a simple dataset (this is from my duaghter's homework
assignment actually!)  which I've uploaded to a google doc just so you
can see what it looks like:

I want to be able to make one simple scatter plot of one column ("Time
of Day") against another column ("Response Time in Minutes").  But I
want to use the value of a third column ("Company") to FILTER the
results, and graph the filtered results against each other.

So, in this case, we have two companies, "Metro" and "Arrow".  I want
my graph to display the Arrow Datapoints in (say) Blue, and the Metro
datapoints in (say) red.  I feel like this ought to be easy to do, by
defining a filter condition in the data range.  This doesn't seem
possible though. And if I try to do it through the graphical
interface, using filters, say, then I can only ever graph one filter
condition at a time.

The only workaround I've found is to sort the data by company name,
then define the data ranges of 2 data series based on that.  But if I
happen to resort my data, or add new rows, then the chart won't update
dynamically in an appropriate way.

Is there a good way to do what I'm trying to do?

Thank you for your help!


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