On 02/07/2013 01:37 AM, e-letter wrote:
On 05/02/2013, webmaster-Kracked_P_P <webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:
Since 'liberation serif' is a font that most people outside of the
LO/Linux world would not be using, I think you should look into a more
common font used by publishing houses.  I would look into changing the
fonts used and see which one works best for your needs.  If you are
dealing with a publisher, ask which fonts they use.

Is there a "cross-platform" font available, in both sans serif and serif styles?

Are you asking if there is one font that is installed on most Windows, MacOSX, and Linux OS installs? Or are you asking if there is a font set that can be installed on them?

If the first, then not likely, since Windows changes it default installed fonts for every version and last I knew MAC did not have the same font names as Windows.

Not if you want to install a font on Windows, MacOSX, and Linux, well that is different. I do not know if MacOSX will install TTF fonts, or OTF type, but I know that there are font sites where you can find fonts listing both MAC and Windows versions. Linux should be able to install TTF and OTF fonts like Windows, at least my Ubuntu/Linux does.

So, all you have to do is find a font that works on MAC and Windows, and it should work for Linux. Then you just install them on all three platforms.

Well, that said, there is a harder way.
Go through all of the documentation on which fonts are installed with which versions of Windows and MAC. Then look at chart that list which fonts on MAC are the same as the ones on Windows, but have different names of the MAC system. Then go from there.

I do not have MAC, but I have a core set of fonts that I make sure are installed on my Windows andLinux systems.

THEN, if I need to send documents out to others, I embed the fonts in those documents. Most PDF printer drivers, like CUPS-PDF [Linux] and doPDF [Windows] will embed the fonts used into the file so the viewer of the document will see it the way you wanted it to be.

The problem really is not with your systems, but what others have installedon there. If you want your document to work on their systems, with the same font and such, you must embed the fonts in their documents.

LO, well their PDF exportation system was working on embedding all the fonts, instead of just some. I do not know how far along it is but it is not the easiest thing to do.

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